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I Kind of Love It That...

there is a My Little Pony standing behind a new package of three tape measures by the back door,

and that

Christian and Eliana set up the LEGOs like this:

 and that

I have washed the load in the washing machine three times in a 24 hour period. 

Not really on that last one. I better go switch it out while I'm thinking about it...



In Which I Am Thankful

To combat being down lately, I have been thinking today about things that I am grateful for.

1. The Sandlot
This is, quite simply, one of the best movies ever for fun. I love it. Squints' voice, the way he says pretty much everything he says, is so great. Just now I was thinking the words that I wrote above in his voice. "And the pup was grateful." 

2. My funny kids
These children really are hilarious. There is a sign on the wall at the bottom of the stairs, directly across from the steps leading to our mid-level. Hanging there for quite a while, the white paper with a giant U written in ink mystified me. Of course, no one took it down and no one explained it to me, either. The other day, Eliana told me what it was about. She had wanted to jump to Michaela from the second step and kept telling her,"I want to jump to you." Michaela grabbed the sheet of paper, drew the U on it, and taped it to the wall across from the stairs. Now Eliana could jump to U any time she felt like it. 

3. Baseball
Did you know? I love this game.

4. Dessert
I have been eating bananas for dessert lately. Before you think I'm behaving, I should add that I have been eating them with vanilla ice cream. That is some good stuff. I'm talking as good as a brownie. I am aware of how crazy that is for me to say. It's almost like I'm talking nonsense. (What's new, you say? Very funny.)

5. The end of school
Y'all. It's soon. Christian has two weeks left. A project still looms large on our horizon, but it is so nice for this school year to be winding down. I am pretty sure that I say this every year, but this time I really, really, really want to be serious: we will start next year on a better, more organized foot. Feet? Whatever. It needs to be better. Less procrastination? Yes! Less paper piles everywhere? Yes! These are lofty goals, my friends, but...for the sake of everyone's sanity, they are goals that must be achieved. Must! 

6. Friends
I have been enjoying time with pretty great ladies, in town, on the phone (mom and sister-in-law), on Facebook, in blogland, and even through some of the funny memories I have from the trip I took recently with my Princeton girlfriends. Have you ever played Banagrams using foreign language words? If not, I recommend it. It might be one of the funniest things you ever do, especially if you're with some of your favorite people.

7. The Gospel
I feel at a loss for words here. In place of my own, I'll use Paul's.

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption,the forgiveness of sins...Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant. Colossians 1:13, 14, 21-23




Pouring rain and rolling thunder accompanied the screaming sirens earlier tonight. The sirens are silent now, but the water continues to rush from the sky over the eaves and through the leaves. I wish it would wash away all this mess.


Just Me and a Hat

I'm sitting on the couch in the back of our house. I was thinking about different things, listening to the ball game, considering what I might write about tonight. 

I looked over to my left, in the direction of our kitchen. Hanging on a small baker's rack is a pink Rangers hat; it's a hat I've been wondering about for a couple of days because I'd like to wear it when I'm outside and I need a hat. I have a weird hat head. I'm not sure if it's because my head is too tall for hats or what, but I look like Elmer Fudd when I wear a baseball cap. I didn't know where it was, and if you could see my house you would understand why I felt a little hopeless about ever seeing the hat again. I had no idea where to start looking for it. 

But there is the hat. I think that is fun. I didn't even have to search for it.

And this is what I have to say tonight. Sometimes it's the little things that make a person happy. 


Mystery and Promise: Hope and a Future

I ran out of steam yesterday, physically and mentally...but mostly mentally. At the end of the day, when I normally write blog posts, I was empty. Not a single meaningful sentence was in my brain. 

So I went to bed. 

This morning, however, I was thinking about a conversation that I had with Michaela yesterday afternoon. Looking around the house this morning, feeling overwhelmed by all that I need to do, I remembered what I told her.

We were talking about Jeremiah 29:11, which is a familiar verse to many: "...For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I told her that the best way to read that verse is through the cross. Ultimately, God's plans for us, to give us hope and a future, are completely rooted in, binded to, secured by, and bouyed by Christ's atoning work: through his perfect obedience to his father, his willing sacrificial death on the tortuous cross, and his victorious triumph over death and the grave. 

There are many times in our lives when we see bad things happen to people, people we think are good and whom we love. A verse like Jeremiah 29:11 is confusing at a time of loss and grief. If God's plans for us include things like prospering and not harming then why do such painful things happen? 

It's simple and difficult at the same time. We must look further ahead. I believe that God does have good plans for us here and now. Our hope and future start on this side of Heaven. But they're just beginning...the reward of hope and a forever future are what we look forward to! I have to remind myself of this so often. I don't think it's platitudinal to say that we are looking at all things through Jesus' life and death. Actually, his life and death and resurrection give all things their true meaning, and what could be more practical than that? I'm praying today for a sharper mind and eye.