Tortillas (The End)

I decided to make the tortillas again the next night, so we could have the meal we were supposed to have: shredded spicy beef on tortillas.
So. Here is how the tortillas are supposed to come out, you know, when you don't stack them up before they are cooked and have to throw them away.
If you remember, the excellent cook must divide the wonderful elastic dough into eight equal(ish) parts.
The next step is to roll each section out into a circle. Technically, it's supposed to be an 8" circle, however I roll them a bit bigger than that, because they definitely shrink a little while you are cooking them.
Or Michaela rolled them. It's always nice to have a helper!
Once you have a flat circle, pick it up gently and place it into your hot skillet. You don't need to put anything in the skillet if it's non-stick (mine is something fancy that I got for Christmas one year...I can't remember what it is, but it's not a regular non-stick) (I've never used Stainless so I cannot inform you on that one). You will notice that the tortillas starts to look drier in the center.
The first few tortillas were experimental, as far as figuring out how long to let them sit until flipping. The great thing is that you can just flip it again and let it continue to get golden.
Because they are soooo elastic, they end up weird shapes. So, if you love dearly perfectly round tortillas then this might not be the recipe for you. Picking them up stretches them in funny ways. Cook them until they look done. (Nice and helpful, huh?) It's hard to mess it up.
I will confess that Michaela rolled out a gigantic one, and I told her that it was fine since they shrunk in the pan. After I picked it up, it was especially huge, and so big, in fact, that it did not fit in the skillet. It flopped over on itself and being sticky, stuck. I ended up with one very odd, fat on one side, probably barely cooked through tortilla. But other than that, there were no major disasters! I called it a success, and not just because I avoided endangering lives with sharp objects. Everyone loved these tortillas, even Eliana!
They are so good, a little chewy, soft, and just the right flavor.
I just realized that I need to get the recipes in the, that is my next project! Ha!
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