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Entries from March 1, 2012 - March 31, 2012



Life is messy. Things get all tangled up, like so many sleeves and pants legs and towels, and it seems impossible to sort them out.

Sometimes there is pain, a wound that is fresh and raw. It hurts to get cleaned up.

It seems like everything is in pieces. The pieces all go together to make something, but at any given moment that something is broken. A work in progress.

There is always work to be done; studying relationships remains one of the most important endeavors. Striving to create a space to study can be exhausting. 

History teaches us more than we are often willing to learn. We plug in, and we yearn for a simpler time, all at once.

Life stacks up. Where are we headed? Where have we been? Where is my other shoe?

Then things fall into place all of a sudden, and clean laundry gets put away by the end of the day.

Snuggles and smiles make for a happy ending. Sometimes.



The girls' trip that I went on two weeks ago (what? That long already?!) is a trip that is annual. I have not always been able to go (twice we had just moved, once I was still nursing Eliana and she was too old to be lugged around easily like a newborn who just hangs out in their seat all day), but this year Mike did not hesitate to say,"You should definitely go!" I wasn't sure that I should, because he was going to have to stay at home with the girls each school day and try to work from home as best he could, as well as take them to the Thursday class they go to, which would mean missing all that time from work. He looked me in the eyes and said,"You should go!" 

So, I took his word for it. 

But it was only possible for me to go because he was able, willing, and very happy to stay home with the kids. This is true of each of the four of us who went; all of us have husbands who gave up a good chunk of their time in order for us moms to spend some time together, just the girls. For that, I am very grateful.

None of the other four Walkers batted an eye that I was not around for four days. Eliana had no problem snuggling with Daddy at night (and Daddy is a snuggler, so he didn't have a problem with that either!). They were well-fed (at least, they didn't go hungry; apparently there were many doughnuts...many, many doughnuts). They were shuttled to school, class, Bible study, and back home again. And they were just as happy to be spending time with him as he was to be with them. For that, I am very grateful.

What none of us expected is that when I returned home I would get sick. The first full day back I was fine. I tried to tackle a little laundry, but we all kind of took it easy on Sunday. There was the time change, and Spring Break was coming up. I figured I had all week to get things back in order (mainly the laundry [always the laundry!]), unpack, hand out presents, go to the store. But I woke up Monday and didn't feel that great. I got out of bed and felt shaky; I was dizzy; I was so tired! Mike went on to work, since it was a normal Monday for him, and I had great intentions of taking the kids to a park, since the weather was beautiful. Mid-morning I felt I had to lie down. I was so weak, and my tummy was upset. Or queasy. Or something that I couldn't quite describe or figure out. I got in bed thinking I would just rest a bit and then take the kids to a park.

The next thing I knew it was Thursday.

On those in-between days, I just felt so weird. I would feel like I had to throw up, run to the bathroom, and nothing would happen. I would lie down again only to feel the same way, run to the bathroom...and nothing would happen. This alone made me feel exhausted. I called Mike sometime Monday morning just to tell him I wasn't well, I couldn't take the kids out, but that they were fine and he didn't need to come rushing home. He came home in the afternoon, though, and took up where he left off, before I had returned home from my trip.

I felt so bad! I wanted very much to do all the things that I had planned on doing...but I was in the bed or in the bathroom. I didn't eat, didn't want to eat, didn't want to move. And he never complained, but he just let me rest (restlessly, darnit), and he took care of the kids. For that, I am very grateful. 

I don't even know what all they did while I was so out of it. I want to say there were more doughnuts, but...I could have just been making stuff up at certain points. (One night I went to bed shortly after taking some medicine [and eating Ramen noodles] and for quite a while I felt like things were crawling all over me, I was dizzy when I got up to go to the bathroom, and I was very twitchy [medicine or Ramen? Your guess is as good as mine].) It was a strange sickness, for sure. And I was so relieved to wake up Thursday and feel so much less...icky.

Things are getting back to normal. Christian started school back up. I've been trying to catch up the laundry. There has been such a difference in my energy level and my sense of motivation! It's amazing how zapped I felt, and once that drained feeling was gone, it's amazing how aware I have been that what I once thought was tired is actually FULL OF ENERGY! Since I am a blog-hog, this post morphed from what I intended to write about into something about myself. What I earnestly wanted to say is that I couldn't have gone on my trip and had so much fun and been so carefree, without Mike. And I couldn't have taken care to rest and get better, without Mike. He was more than willing to stay with the kids and make sure everything was fine at home.

And for that, I am very grateful. 


Le Seminary Wives Gone Wild

From the moment we all arrived in NOLA, it was party time. When the three ladies who arrived ahead of me picked me up from the airport, they had already been to Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. There could only be good times ahead. These mamas know how to rock a weekend get-away!

First stop: Lunch. We ate at the Napoleon House, and were rowdy enough to get some lip from our waiter (he actually told us if we weren't ready the next time he came to take our order, he might not come back again) (I was told that ordering food in New Orleans is a lot like ordering food in Philly...say what you want, in code, no niceties or lolligagging). Guess what fancy NOLA fare I ordered? A ham sandwich! That's right. It was a Po'Boy, though, and the bread made all the difference. Also? The shredded lettuce. That is the best on a sandwich! I'm sorry to say I don't have a picture of my exquisite culinary masterpiece, Le Ham Sandwich. 

Now, this girl...

She earned the title of Comedienne Extraordinaire. (Look at me using fancy French! That's not le only French I know! I learned quite le bit while we were there!) It looks like we were getting set for a wild night, indeed. Yes, we wild and crazy pastors' wives...staying up too late watching American Idol and chick flicks while having a beverage or two. (I had Dr. Pepper. Probably two.) Ms. Drink-Mixer there was the first to don the Mardi Gras beads. Fortunately, we didn't even have to go near Bourbon Street. But my funny friend kept the one-liners coming, and I think we all shared in the joke-making at some point or another so that I made at least one bee-line for the potty and one for the sink with a mouth full of water that just about got sprayed all over the living room. 

I am surprised to say that New Orleans was a truly fun place for us to meet. It is full of historic and beautiful buildings (for example, the place we ate lunch that first day is the house where Napoleon lived while in exile here) (I didn't even know he was here, ever!), beignets (oh, lovely, wonderful beignets!), lively people, and horses, too. Right in the back window of your car!

Again, I'm sorry to say I don't have a picture of beignets, while I do have a picture of a horse. I'm not sorry about the horse picture, but I wish I had a picture of the delicious French doughnuts piled high with soft, powdery, fluffy, fine, confectioner's sugar.

We took a tour the first full day we were there; we started in Lafayette Cemetery, which is located in the Garden District, and then we walked all around the area where we saw some of the most lovely homes I've seen. They were really amazing because many of them are so old yet have been maintained beautifully. It was easy to see, from this area to the other parts of town, why people who are from New Orleans love their city and take so much pride in it. It was fascinating to get a history from our guide, and she shared some funny personal stories as well (my favorite was Nicholas Cage showing up for one of her tours with his family because his house was in her brochure). 

It was fun to see the different styles all over the city, from the Garden District to the French Quarter, which (duh) had a French flair. We all loved the flowers and greenery that hung from balconies, and all the iron-work. 

I learned about "Who Dat?" which was a highlight for me. "Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?" is shortened to "Who Dat?" and that is the phrase that you will find on T-shirts and other paraphernalia. There was a sign in the house in which we stayed that read "Who Dat or Leave!" and I could not make any sense of that! Once I heard what it stood for, again I got a glimpse into their love for this city and the immense pride that they take in their hometown everything. 

We enjoyed walking around just being together; we caught a magic act...

and went down by the waterfront...

It was a little chilly on Friday, so we didn't go on the ferry.

We watched more movies, talked and laughed, ate some delicious food, and I just don't have words to express how much I love these girls. Writing this is making me cry. Spending time with them is life-giving. 

Le Friends...nothing can take the place of very good ones.


I'm Walkin' To New Orleans

Okay, I'm actually flying, but...I am headed out of town with some girlfriends, and I am very excited about our trip. I don't even know what is on the agenda as far as sightseeing or attractions. I do know that laughter, laughter, some laughter, a bunch of laughter, followed by some laughter, and dessert are on the agenda. The last time I was with these three ladies we laughed so hard and so much. I miss them because they live in other parts of the country, but getting to spend this time with them is so refreshing. It is also likely to make me wet my pants, but I will forgive them for that. I hope they will forgive me for that.

I have some things to take care of tonight! I haven't even packed yet. (Is anyone surprised? No? Of course you aren't.) I was planning on making at least one meal for Mike to have on hand in order to feed the family while I'm away, so I need to do that. He is keeping the kids, after all. I have some laundry to finish up, so he doesn't need to mess with or worry about that. I was going to make some cupcakes, but...yeah. I'm not SuperWoman. I think it is likely that he will get doughnuts one morning. I personally think that he should. (I would totally do that if he were going out of town. And not just so that more doughnuts for me!) 

Since I'm mainly procrastinating here, I don't have a great ending for this post. Hope the week is a great one for you all, and unlike Fats Domino, I'll be back from New Orleans by Saturday.


Watch for Webs Woven Where We Walk, Unaware...

Have you seen the movie Entrapment? And, in particular, the scene (maybe two, actually) in which Catherine Zeta-Jones' character gracefully and perfectly weaves her way through, or under and over, a web of laser beams?


Let's just say that I am NOT Catherine Zeta-Jones. 

More like a blind fly that encountered a sticky, well-placed web of a boobytrap.

I had raced down the stairs and suddenly found myself twisted up in what is a normally innocuous material, however, Christian had set up an intricate network which did not fail to catch an intruder. Even one who watched as it was created. The yarn caught me in the face, I gasped, spun around, and was thrown back towards the steps. I could hardly breathe. Don't worry. It's not because I was nearly decapitated. I was just choking on my own laughter.