We were able to thieve acquire some lovely flowers from the church last week, which thrilled Michaela to no end. She loves all things beautiful. Her appreciation for that which is aesthetically pleasing far surpasses mine...she loves house decor, sunsets, pretty birds. She notices everything, details that my eyes skip over because they are always in a hurry. Or more likely, looking down to make sure I don't step in anything gross.
When we got home with our flowers, she immediately found vases for them. She had a bunch, and Eliana was clinging to the single gerbera daisy that had been given to her. Michaela then directed me to take many pictures so that I could put them on the blog.
All right, Boss!

Here is a fun fact. The dress Michaela is wearing was mine. I wore it in my cousin's wedding when I was eleven years old. My mom, after storing it all these many years, gave it to me recently, and Michaela took it right away. Now, for a picture which involved such lovely flowers, a lovely dress such as this one was required. She also donned her new necklace that was a Christmas gift.

She tried very hard to get Eliana to cooperate and pose for a "sisters" picture...but Eliana was busy being two. When you are busy being two, there is little time for stopping to listen to instruction, sitting pretty for the camera, and holding your flower just so. I like the picture anyway.

Mike saw these pictures, especially the ones of Michaela, and his heart melted. Right into a puddle on the floor. While it was very sweet to see him turn to mush looking at pictures of his firstborn, I don't know if I appreciate the extra mess to clean up. On second thought, what's one more mess?

Speaking of mess...

Don't think it's all flowers and dresses around here for her. She has plenty of fun making mud soup and chasing earthworms. Which is fine, just as long as it stays outside. Mostly.