The End, For Now

Christian's soccer season is officially over...early on, several games were rained out, so the season lasted a bit longer than it normally would have. The weather for the last couple of games was beautiful, though. Their final game was last night and they played so well. The boys really put forth a great effort each game; they played as a team, passed the ball, and worked together for the most part. It was wonderful to see them improving all the time.
The last three games Christian came out of his soccer shell, so to speak. I think it was the game before the last one that he scored a goal right off the bat (oops, wrong sport!) and after that it was like someone lit a fire under his rear! He was never far from the ball, and he tried hard to get it out from the middle of any given pack of boys (when first-grade soccer turns into rugby...) and then kick and dribble it down the field in order to score. He would slide into the ball to avoid colliding with fellow players. He would put his foot on top of the ball and pull it backwards (I'm sure there's a technical soccer term for that maneuver, I just don't know what it is). It was so fun to watch him play aggressively and have such a good time.
Here are some pictures from the last game. Grandmas and Grandpas, enjoy! Other folks can enjoy, too, if you are inclined to continue!
Watch carefully...
Did you notice? Yes, he kicked his shoe off, and kept right on playing! He didn't stop to put it back on for a couple of minutes...the coach actually brought it over to him and made him stop running so he could slip the cleat on.
One thing I heard several of the other parents say is,"He's so fast!"
He is fast...he would zip down the field ahead of everyone...
and he could control the ball pretty well, too. His skills improved so much this season; it was amazing. I didn't get any great shots of this, but he really seems to like, and be good at, defending the goal. At this stage there is no official goalie, but there were several times when he literally came out of nowhere appearing right in front of the goal in order to knock the ball either out of bounds or to the side. He was so speedy!
Like each boy, he received a medal and a trophy...he was so proud. This was his best season so far, and I'm looking forward to many more years of shin guards and cleats!