Standing the Test of Time

I have posts backed up in my head so that if you could see inside there it would look like the Dallas Tollway at 5:08 (I don't know why seemed like a good and horrible, stopped traffic time).
The truth is that there are things I have to learn about before I can write these posts. So you will just have to wait. Hopefully it won't be too long, because what I want to put up is so darn cute.
One thing I have been meaning to mention is that we may be going to Houston. We are going to try really hard to get there because there is something quite worth making the trip. There is an exhibit at the Houston Museum of Natural Science on loan from China; they have shared some of their Terra Cotta Army with the world and it is traveling around, making pit stops in places like OUR BACKYARD (practically), and therefore we must go see it.
I am determined to go see the Terra Cotta Warriors. We didn't go see the King Tut exhibit when it was here earlier this year (totally my fault, I concluded that it cost too much; what a dip-it's King Tut for crying out loud!); we didn't know U2 was going to be in Dallas (not that we could have gone, but...maybe!); we found out last week that this exhibit from China is at the Houston Museum of Natural Science...until Sunday! It's been there for months.
Here's where I can see how being a planner would come in handy. Planners find out about things. Planners know where the action is. Planners...wait for it...PLAN.
Can I get some different genes, please?
Really, that doesn't make much sense, because if my mom is anything she is a planner. She would already know when, how, for how long was our next visit together, and what we were doing each day, if I didn't get in her way. Since I AM NOT A PLANNER.
Wait a minute! Dad! Are you a planner? Are these genes coming from you? Hairy legs and the non-planning genes...and my brother got the long eyelashes. Why, oh why is it so?!
I do not want to miss this! Do you know about the Terra Cotta Warriors? Let me tell you about it-it's pretty amazing.
In 1974 some farmers drilling a well came upon parts of clay figures, and this discovery quickly caught the attention of archaeologists; after excavating the site they found that it was part of the first emperor of China Qin Shi Huangdi's tomb. It wasn't just a simple old tomb, however. He had had his people build him an underground city full of soldiers standing guard (they think there are around 8,000 warriors), each of them different. The soldiers are dressed for battle, and are different heights with distinct facial features. They can tell that they were painted when first made. There are horses and chariots, as well as other animals and human figures. All of this was to carry on and protect the life of the emperor after he died. They have not fully uncovered the whole thing, but they have built a museum around (or nearby-I'm not entirely clear on that) the site and are working to piece things back together that have deteriorated. It is unnecessary to say what a big deal this discovery was for China, as well as for World History. I think it's pretty unbelievable. Oh, did I mention that it dates back to around 210 BC?
Michaela studied this emperor while reading in her history text The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer; Christian learned about him and his clay army as well when his class learned about China last year. How many opportunities will they have to see something like this? Maybe they will again, but it seems to me that it's something not to miss.
So we are planning on squeezing in a visit to Houston this weekend, even if it is a day trip! That sounds like so much fun...who doesn't love driving eight hours in one day to see some guys made out of clay?
Seriously, I am looking forward to this more than even I realize. I think it will be phenomenal, and I can't wait to see and learn more about these warriors and the emperor they were designed to watch over, which by the way they succeeded in doing for two thousand years, until some farmers came along with their shovels or drills or whatever they were using to make that well. The armies do fine every time until the farmers come along...
The actual tomb of Shi Huangdi remains unexcavated-out of respect for the emperor as well as for the items that may be buried with him, which would probably not be able to survive exposure after such a long and well-protected burial, at least with the techniques that are available today. (That's what I read, anyway. I'm not such a smarty-pants that I just know that.)
I found this article to be helpful and interesting (I will say that I have not read extensively, so I honestly can't tell you if it's the best one or the most accurate). There are many things about this online, if you felt interested in reading about it; what I saw was all pretty brief as well. The pictures are worth looking at, and you could check out the remaining tour to see if the exhibit is headed your way. Here is a pretty official looking website for the traveling warriors, if you wanted to check that out.
Once we're back and I stand corrected on any given information I will pass that along...and if I can take pictures I surely will!