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Entries from February 1, 2012 - February 29, 2012


An Update


  • One week ago, a liver became available and Jan was able to have a transplant. The surgery went well, and the liver began functioning as it should right away. Her blood pressure stabilized. I think that things couldn't have gone better. Things continue to adjust as they figure out some other things, but I believe that now that she has a healthy liver the doctors will be able to address other issues. Her recovery will be a long process, but a joyful one. Mom said that Jan has always enjoyed the fact that she (my mom) was two months older; she (my mom) is just waiting for the "Your liver is older than my liver" to start. I am so grateful for their friendship. I want a Jan.
  • Mom's knee surgery went well. She had a partial replacement done, and has begun physical therapy. It hurts, but she is inspired by Jan. And also, I think she has to do what the therapist says. It is good to have someone pushing you, telling you you can do more than you think you can. (I need someone like that most days.) I am looking forward to her recovery and hearing all of her stories. Maybe she will let me share some of them with you. She is a story waiting to happen most of the time. I love her.
  • I have stopped exercising and resumed soda drinking. I want to start and stop again (exercise and soda, respectively speaking). I am such an Ancient Israelite: See God's goodness; follow God; worship God; love God; encounter trouble; whine; complain; whine; complain; whine; complain. What a cycle! I think,"I'm on the other side of the resurrection...what is wrong with me?!" I also find myself saying, often,"Why do I do these things that I don't want to do; why do I not do the things I know I should do?!" I'm pretty sure someone else said something along those lines...
  • I have been trying to follow the, apparently correct, way of following a period with only one space. I don't like it. I think it looks weird. Totally weird. Totally wrong. Totally totally totally against all that I have known for twenty-five years. Or more. I didn't stop to actually count how long it's been since I took my first typing class. I. Don't. Like. This. Rule.
  • What I do like? What I love? Downton Abbey. This excellent show has stolen my heart. I love the characters (except Thomas...he is just...what a terrible person...and how will it go for him?), the setting, the British accents, the Irish accents, the humor, the relationships, the surprises. I love that Mike loves it too. We have watched the first season together, and now have to catch up on the second season. Then we will be waiting like everyone else for the third season. I can't wait. Literally! I can't wait! Have you become addicted to any shows in the last couple of seasons? I just haven't watched much TV? Phineas and Ferb topped my list until Downton Abbey came along.





While We're on the Subject

Since I've asked for prayers for our sweet friend Jan, I would also like to ask if you would pray for my mom. She is having knee surgery tomorrow (Wednesday, February 22).  She and Jan like to do everything together!  

In all seriousness, my hope is that the surgery will enable her to get back in the business of getting healthy again; her knee troubles have been a significant impediment to exercise for some time now.  And the pain doesn't just keep her from exercising; it affects her everyday life, just walking around, which she has to do a lot of for work.  After all of her therapy and recuperation, she will be able to get on the Exercise Horse that I am chasing.  Maybe between the two of us we can catch it.  We'll be getting in shape together!  

It's like going to the bathroom...girls just don't want to do that all by themselves.

By the way, Mom, I laughed and laughed yesterday because Michaela had a "Grandma Moment"...just like this one.  Love and miss you, and I wish I could bring dinner by tomorrow or the next day.  Or both.  And more.



A Silver Lining

Benefits of an extended stay in the hospital

You don't have to do the laundry

Someone is cooking your meals 

There are no dirty dishes in your sink

No fighting crowds at the grocery store after work

You don't have to vacuum

You don't have to get gas in twenty degree weather or rain

Someone else is cleaning your toilet (at least we hope so) (and we hope it is not the same person who is cooking your meals)

Taking out the trash is someone else's job

You can read (my blog) anytime you want

An artillery of prayers advance on your behalf daily


This post is in honor of my mom's friend Jan.  She has been through a lot during her life.  On top of all that she has experienced, she is now fighting for her life.  She and her family are in need of a lot of prayers.  And a liver would be very helpful. If you are a pray-er, I know they would appreciate your supplication.  



A Heart

On a whim, I'm entering this photo in the I Heart Faces challenge this week.  I love this girl; she's especially sweet when she's sleeping.  I was watching her sleep, thankful that she's fine.  (If you look carefully, you can see my face in the upper right corner.)  



Photo Challenge Submission


Check out all the sweet heart photos, the sweetheart photos, and likely some funny ones too!


Sunday Self-Portrait 

I felt out of sorts all day.  Kind of fuzzy.

I was not patient, nor was I overly anxious to be involved in the affairs of my children.  I just wanted them to entertain themselves.  I felt guilty for it, too, as I've been thinking frequently of a verse shared by Lorrie the other day about working willingly for the Lord, whatever you do.  As a mom and housewife, I have to remind myself that the things I do around here, and the things I'm responsible for at home, matter...and I ought to do them as though I were doing them for the Lord.  Acts of service unto Him.  

Most of the time, that is not my attitude.  I often dread my housework.  It's not even that hard, what I have to do; I think the thing that gets me is that it's the same things over and over and over.  And not just the same kinds of things, but literally the same things:  the same toys spread out, the same dishes piled in the sink, the same underwear here, there, and everywhere.  It's the same unmade beds, the same chairs pulled out and left in the way (that one's my doing), the same shoes by the front door.  

Eliana got a little boo boo tonight.  Almost immediately, my attitude shifted.  The truth is, if something happened to one of my kids I would be devastated.  I know things happen in families, and they manage to get through it, through each day until years go by, and they keep living.  So, I hope that I could do that too.  But suddenly I was aware again of how much I love Eliana; not that I forget, but sometimes it gets lost in all the disaster in my mind.  When it surfaces so abruptly, so fiercely, I almost don't know what to do with myself.  

Truthfully, I've done a lot of things wrong when it comes to my kids.  But somehow they still want to claim me.  Tonight Michaela told me that she liked me.  I told her that was just one of the many great miracles that I experienced every day.  She laughed and said,"What?!  I love you!"  Recently Christian said out loud, to no one in particular,"Why does Mom work so hard all the time?!"  I laughed.  It was sweet.  I don't work nearly as hard as I should.  Here is a little reminder to myself that tomorrow is another day to work, willingly.  Maybe even cheerfully!