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Can I quote you on that?


August 27, 2009

Some quotes from Christian today...

I was giving Christian a snack after school; I made Preacher Cookies the other night, so he wanted one of those, and then I told him he could have a little ice cream, too, because Michaela had.  He said,"Can I have half of this cookie?"  I told him he could have the whole thing.  He was amazed that he could have a cookie and ice cream.

He said,"The best mommy ever!"  Then he said,"Sometimes I say,'The meanest mommy ever,' but which one do you think you should accept?"



We were getting ready to play a game during Eliana's nap and I asked him if he played outside today.  he said,"No."  I asked why and he said,"Because of the cold front." 

I said,"What?!"  We live in Dallas.  It is August.  I suppose there could be a cold front, but...I don't think it came through today!


August 18, 2009

Grandma:  If you can read, you can do ANYTHING!

Christian:  I couldn't turn the sky green.


August 15, 2009

Michaela asked,"Grandma, are you comfortable in our house?"

My mom thought to herself,"If I get any more relaxed I'll be dead!"


August 15, 2009

Men really are from Mars and women really are from Venus.

This is probably going to be one of those conversations that isn't very funny after the fact, but it sure cracked us up at the time...

Mike came home right before dinnertime and said he needed to cut the grass. Since dinner was so close to being ready there was a great debate about whether or not he was going to do it before eating, as well as discussion on whether or not my dad could cut the grass and help out in that way. Mike decided to eat dinner first, and figure out the rest later.

We served spaghetti and once everyone was seated and the blessing was said we began eating. A few minutes into the meal Dad said to Mike,"Do you cut it side to side or front to back, or do you alternate?"

Mike, cutting his pasta, responded promptly,"I tend to cut side to side because it's shorter, but sometimes I alternate..."

I thought,"Isn't it the same all the way around? It's kind of a circle."

Right about then my mom and I looked at each other quizzically. We started giggling because just then we realized that they were talking about cutting the grass, not the spaghetti, but we both thought they were talking about the pasta. I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of my dad asking Mike if he cut his spaghetti side to side or front to back.

Mike, of course, knew exactly what my dad was talking about.

I'm still chuckling.


August 13, 2009

We were sitting around after lunch discussing our plan for the day...this includes Eliana's nap and a possible time of rest for my mom-they arrived this morning from Virginia after getting up and out of their house very early.  We were talking about my less-than-conventional method of getting Eliana to sleep.  I drive her around until she conks out and then bring her home and put her in her bed.

My mom was...well, let's just say she was encouraging me to change my ways.  She said,"What do your friends say about what you do?"  I said,"I don't know...they say they've been there, too.  You gotta do what you gotta do."  My mom's response was,"You gotta do what they (your kids) get used to you doing!"  I said,"That's a good point."

Then I turned and looked at Eliana and said,"Who's the boss?" 

Her immediate response was,"Grandma!"

And that's that!


August 10, 2009

The kids managed to sneak some of those funny animal-face shaped paper plates into my grocery cart this morning and I just walked in on them sorting the plates out all across the dining room table.  I chuckled and said,"What are you all doing?"

Michaela responded,"Oh nothing, just something."

Well, I'm so glad she cleared that up.


August 9, 2009

Is she really this old?  Eliana now says things like:

"Here you go, Mom."

"Have it, Mom."

"Mom, my turn."


August 7, 2009

This one is for Mike...

Christian and Michaela were talking about some made-up game and Christian said,"You try to hit it to get extra bonus points!"

See..."extra bonus".  I'm not the only one who uses that phrase.  Ha, ha.


August 3, 2009


Eliana says both parts of her name possessively when speaking about something that belongs to her.  For example..."Ellie's-Ana's chair."  Or,"Ellie's-Ana's bed."

It's pretty darn cute.


July 25, 2009


-Eliana, naming her creative use of a piece of the Mouse Trap game and a great little rubber ball we have.  She looked at the ball on top of the little cup-like thing and named it...Ice Cream.

I don't think it's as good as the real deal, though.


July 25, 2009

After taking apart our washing machine, Mike asked me,"How important is it that you have a functioning washing machine while your friends are here?"

You mean my friends who are bringing a total of six extra kids here?

Hardee, har, har.


July 24, 2009

I have no idea what initiated this was out of the blue.

Christian:  You guys don't do that enough.

Mike:  We don't do what enough?

Christian:  Kiss.

Michaela:  Yes, they do.  They kiss at night.


July 19, 2009

"This is what a ballerina does..."

(Spin around a bit.)

-Christian, in Target

(The man next to us in the aisle was impressed.)


July 2009

We've been home from Florida for about a week now, but here are some quotes that we stored up to share...

Wendy: What has four feet?

Cousin J. (age 3): A giraffe.

Wendy: Yes! What else might have four feet? Does a fish have four feet?

Cousin J.: No.

Wendy: What does a fish have?

Cousin J. (grinning from ear to ear): Five.


Cousin N. (age 6, boy): What if you never get pregnant?

Cousin C. (age 8, girl): Then you have a peaceful life.


Cousin C.: When I grow up I'm going to be just like Grandma. (This particular comment had to do with drinking coffee, but I'm sure it applies to many different things!


Eliana: (Toot, toot-coming from her bottom!)

Cousin N.: I think Eliana ate the musical fruit.


Scene: Just before dinner.

Cousin J.: Mommy can I have a popsicle?

Wendy: What do you think? When would be a good time to have a popsicle?

Cousin J. (smiling): Right now!


Me: AHHHHHHHHH! (shrilly-I stubbed my toe)

Cousin J.: What is it Isk Christina (Aunt Christina)? A roach?!


This one is from our final morning in Orlando; we were at Wendy's and Bobby's house at this point...

Cousin J.: Daddy, do you want to play basketball with me?

Uncle Bobby: I would love to John, but I have to go to work. But let me take a couple of shots, okay? What kind of shot should I make?

Cousin J.: A back flip shot!


July 5, 2009

Since we've been here at the beach Mike hasn't shaved much; normally he shaves his face as well as his entire head each day. 

Last night he told us that Michaela said to him,"If you don't shave soon you'll look like Grandpa."