June 13, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 10:07PM
"Our loving heavenly Father, please help Oliver and Georgina and all the Kenyans to be not poor; and (this one is going to be in my head) please help...[silence for a few seconds]; and God, please help the swine flu to go away; aaand...please let us go to that restaurant that Dad said we could go to. [Pause] It is the one where medieval knights fight one another. But they don't really fight one another, they just use swords and fight. [Pause] Or guns or something, but they are not fighting because they are on the same side, so they don't really fight. Amen!"
-Christian's prayer tonight; he then asked me what Cora's last name was. I told him McClenahan. He said he prayed a special prayer for her too. He said he prayed for her every night. This is the heart of our son.
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