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« June 7, 2012 | Main | A Lot of Months! 2012 »

June 2012

Here are a few gems from Christian.


Michaela was telling Christian about how she hurt her hand while she was on her mission trip. Earlier, Michaela had mentioned that she had hurt it on a stake. We also knew a sledgehammer was involved. Christian looked at her quizzically and asked,"How exactly did you hurt your hand on a steak?" 


Christian saw several wrappers from some Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs lying on the coffee table (Mike is the guilty one regarding those, thank you very much). He picked one up that actually still had the candy in it. He shook it and said to me,"This one is still loaded! Can I have it?"


Tonight the kids were working on a sign for some friends who are about to celebrate a 25th anniversary. He said,"This is silver. Jack and Gloria might make it to golden!" 

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