March 20, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 1:06PM
I got dressed after my shower and met Eliana in the living room. She looked at my long skirt (dark blue, cotton) and brightly colored t-shirt and said,"Wow! Mommy, you look pretty!" Christian came along and she said,"Christian, look at Mommy!"
Later in the day we went out in the car; when we got home and I took her out of the car to go inside she said again,"Why you wear that?" I told her I like it and she said she did, too, and she wanted to wear it. Once we were inside she followed me to the kitchen and said,"Let me feel that." So she brushed her hands down the side of the skirt (it's not velvety or anything, just like a t-shirt) and said in almost a whisper,"I love it."
Pretty funny.
I guess it's been a while since I wore a skirt!
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