November 1, 2009

Today, as I do most days, I stuck the kids in the car and drove around in order to get Eliana to sleep. Yes, there it is, for all the world to see (although I think three people read the quote section on this blog, so...for all of three people to see), I drive my daughter around to get her to sleep. Some people might think that it is a last resort, but the truth is that it worked so well for our first child that I thought I would stick with this method.
Anyway, the point is that the two big kids were being noisy, which makes for a great sleep-inducing environment anytime, much less while in a car, and Eliana looked more like she was headed out to a dance party than off to dreamland, so I decided that in order to punish all of them I would run by Kohl's to see if they had a waffle iron I've been stalking there for three weeks. (That in and of itself is a story for another post another time.)
We got to Kohl's and Christian hollered,"I thought we were getting Eliana to sleep!" I told him that that was my original plan but they were being loud and Eliana wasn't sleeping so I wanted to check on something in the store quickly. I thought maybe the extra few minutes would make the difference for Eliana and she would then be tired enough to konk out on the way home.
As we were getting ready to get out of the car, Michaela said to me emphatically,"This wasn't a good decision!" I looked at her, thinking to myself she was being awfully smart-mouthed. I thought she was referring to the whole getting-Eliana-to-sleep situation. I turned and looked at her and said,"Michaela, that was not appropriate to say to me." She was leaning forward onto the front seat and she looked at me with genuinely sweet eyes. She said softly,"It was appropriate." Then she glanced down at her feet.
I'm laughing so hard as I type this.
I had forgotten her shoes. Which were actually my shoes. And it's not like she slipped on a pair of my flip-flops, which in a pinch she can wear. No, she had on these...
Although they looked great with her ensemble, they really would have made it difficult to get in and out of Kohl's very quickly. Even if I had them on.
She had come to the car laughing hysterically at herself, and when she got in and showed me what she had on I let it go, because what were we going to do? Drive around the neighborhood. Then I promptly forgot what she was wearing on her feet.
That'll show me to change my plans.
By the way, I ended up calling Kohl's while in the car, and they still didn't have the waffle iron that I have been trying to get for weeks. What is up with that?!
And Eliana did fall asleep on the way home and slept for 2 1/2 hours once we got in the house.
Also, I have typed a "y" instead of a "u" almost every time I wanted to type a "u" tonight. Why is that? I've written things like: hilarioys (several times), and hoyse. It's been a consistent quirk. I hope it goes away soon. I also wrote above,"I promptly forgot what she was wearing on my feet." That's about how much sense I'm making these days! For the three of you reading this...have a great week!

Reader Comments (2)
You mean you didn't make her hobble into Kohl's with those shoes on? ;-) Probably a better decision...that may have led to a trip to the ER. And all four of us know that there would have been no nap at all!
So funny! I can totally hear her softly saying, "It was appropriate." Hilarioys! And I love that you wrote that about the y's at the end...maybe you have one of those German oh man. they are crazy things.