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« November 4, 2011 | Main | October 3, 2011 »

October, 2011

I turned on the light in the car as we were driving home tonight and Eliana said,"Did you do that?"  I said,"Yes."  She asked why and I told her so I could look at her (I wanted to check and see if she was falling asleep).  She said,"But it's distracting for you!"  (I have told them I won't turn on the light at night because it makes it hard for me to drive, most of the time.)


Me:  Look at all my hair falling out!
Eliana:  That's because the gray hair is coming in.


We had been driving around for most of the afternoon.  Eliana called out from her seat,"When are we gonna be home?  Never?!


Michaela told Eliana her hair looked so pretty.  Eliana said,"I know!"


I recently rearranged some things in the kitchen.  Christian went looking for the hot dog buns and opened the bread box.  He found dish towels.  "Where are the buns?!"  I never said I made sense.


Christian:  You know the girl in that commercial?
Me:  Well, there are many...
Christian:  She sings,"My rock is shining bright..."
Me:  Oh, JLo.
Christian:  She's a good singer.  Is she famous for it?
Me:  (chuckle) Yes.


Eliana was watching the guys in the bullpen.  She asked me,"Are they playing catch?"


Christian responded to a car commercial's outrageous claims (while he was reading and without looking up):  Yeah, right.  Nice try.  Not true.



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