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I have found that choosing joy becomes about your perspective...what is it that you see, what is it that you choose to see over something else?

Sometimes it seems like there are a lot of things blocking your view, you know? 

But behind all of those mean-o things are other things, beautiful and precious and sometimes silly things.



...hearing your children laughing all together about something, who knows what.


...having a good friend get your son's tooth out the day before picture day at school.  (Whew!!)


...being surprised by new friends bearing a ginormous cheesecake on your birthday, that your husband hid at their house.


...eating the cheesecake all week long. 


...reading to your children.


...watching a bit of a movie with your husband and laughing together.


...receiving a book from your son, which he chose for your birthday...

and reading the inscription...

(Please do not ask about this "Chris" I do not have an answer other than,"He said he wanted to be called 'Chris'."  I just wrote "Christ" instead, twice, as I typed that out.  I suppose I should be glad that that is not what he wants to be called.  "Chris" is doable.)


...having a husband that pays attention to the things you say, and remembers that you mentioned you would like to read a different translation of your favorite novel, and then finding that he has bought one for you, on top of the major birthday gift you received on your actual birthday...


...pretty flowers...


...Eliana coloring...


...knowing there is one more present to open but having to wait until the right time...

(And this one is supposed to be videotaped, so I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be a good one!)


...parents who go out of their way to help you out the day they are supposed to leave for a vacation.


...being able to get a new driver's license without having to take all the tests again.


...corduroy dresses for little girls.


I know there are things that I haven't written, that I can't quite remember but are hazy joyful spots on the far-off horizon of my mind.  Just writing these down makes me feel so blessed.  I have so much to be thankful for! 

Isaiah 12:3 says: 

With joy you will draw water
       from the wells of salvation.

I think that when we lower our buckets, empty and dry, into the well of the knowledge of, the realization of, the reality of the glorious salvation we have in Jesus Christ, it returns to us not only full but overflowing...when you are dying of thirst, how could that not bring you joy?!  All of that cold, luscious, splashing water for your parched and dry throat!

Even if I have to lower and draw several times a day (or minute!) I can be sure that joy will come from that well.  The joy of knowing that no matter what, no matter how messy my house is, no matter how many meal plans I make that don't get one meal made from them, no matter how much I don't get done for any school program or church ministry (which is A LOT and weighs on me) God still loves me and has saved me, is saving me. 

This week it has been moment to moment, but I am really trying, hard, to find joy, and to remember joy when it's been hard to find.

To the well, to the well

For it never runs dry

As many tears as you have

As many tears that you cry

Will be covered with water

From the well by and by

It is deep, it is cool

Be refreshed by its side

To the well, to the well

For it never runs dry


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