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We went on a date tonight!  It was a lot of fun!  I came back recharged and ready to do stuff with the kids before bed with a good attitude!  This is exciting stuff!

We saw our babysitter on Sunday at church and she agreed to come over Friday so that Mike and I could go out.  I was a little nervous because we have never left Eliana with a babysitter.  I put her in the church nursery a couple of times and she pretty much cried the whole time, or had to be wheeled around in a stroller.  Being at  home with brother and sister really helped, though, and she did fine.  And she wasn't mad at us for abandoning her when we finally came home, either.  It was a successful experience. 

Mike and I ran one errand and then had a very casual but tasty dinner at:

I got a panini and some soup and he got a stuffed potato.   Now, I know I'm getting a little carried away with all this "take-a-picture-of-everything-you-do" business, but I really wish I had a picture of his potato.  I'm sure some of you have seen the likes of this kind of potato.  It was very large, like a foot long.  I told our server that Mike wanted a bigger potato and she looked at me with really wide eyes and said,"This is pretty big."  I'm not sure if she knew I was kidding or not, but saying that potato was "pretty big" is like saying Jabba the Hutt is "kind of" ugly.   The potato was enormous.  Then I felt pretty silly because our server told us that it was actually two potatoes cut in half and stuck together.  Maybe I should have known that. 

At any rate, we had good conversation and enjoyed our time together.  We haven't gone out alone for quite a while.  I love the kids, you know I do; there is a level of attention that you can give your spouse, however, when someone much smaller isn't vying.  You know what I'm saying?  "Look at my plate, mommy; I made a picture with my ketchup."  "Daddy, my crayons fell on the floor."  "I have to go potty."  "I have to go potty, too."  "I have to go potty again."

I think we ought to do it again soon.

Reader Comments (1)

Awww man... I miss Jason's Deli from back in my Texas days. Texas has so many good restaurants! Calgary is seriously replete of that kind of variety of places to eat. I mean, there are still lots of choices but they all seem like small variations of the same place. Ya know?

October 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternancypants

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