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Helping Hands

The kids can seem so big, they can act so grown-up, and want desperately to be independent.  But then something happens that shows how much they still need us as parents.  They aren't quite ready to be "on their own."  That sounds kind of dramatic when I'm talking about my 7 and 5 year-old kids, and my 1 year- old.  I'm telling you, though, there are times when I think they really think they can do it all by themselves.  And by "it" I mean live! The other day Christian, Eliana, and I dropped Michaela off at her Bible study and then headed back home.  We were on the second level of the church and I had the stroller so we took the elevator.  Christian hopped up onto the railing that runs along the inside of the elevator, right around where an adult's waist is, and he sort of sat on the railing at this crazy angle because, of course, they're not really made for riding, but what's fun is fun, right?  In the corner, where he was, the two railings meet but don't touch.  The elevator stopped on the first floor and I steered the stroller out and took a couple of steps thinking Christian would be right behind me. I heard this terrified call,"Mommy!  Mommy!"  I turned around and saw that he wasn't getting off of the rail, and he had this stricken look on his face.  I quickly backtracked and caught the doors before they shut.  I stepped over to where he was and saw that his shirt had gotten caught on one of the rails and so when he tried to hop down he was stuck.  It reminded me of  Rabadash in The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis, except Christian realized that he was stuck and needed help.  I unhooked his shirt and he hopped down with a smile on his face, knowing that I had rescued him and all was well.

Moments like that remind me that in spite of all of the bravado, the intense independence, and even the rebellion Christian is still in need.  And so is Michaela.  Eliana obviously needs her parents' protection, help, and guidance (for what it's worth!).  And their need requires that I humbly serve.  All of this has been going around in my head for a couple of days, and it illustrates to me our childlike dependence on God, our Father.  We like to think we are capable of doing things our own way and being just fine, thank you.  But then, we try to move on and realize we're stuck.  We're stuck and we can't go a bit further without someone's aid.  I pray that I will realize sooner rather than later that there is One to call out to, who will help me quickly and lovingly.  And I pray that knowing that will help me to be there to give my children aid, and to point them to their heavenly Father who can help them more than I can.

Reader Comments (2)

So true. Thanks for sharing.

I absolutely love this picture. It's beautiful.

October 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKristina Zirschky

What a beautifully written post!!! Thanks!

October 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichele

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