WARNING: Read at Your Own Risk-May Contain Offensive Material

I could tell Eliana had to poop. The stop-in-her-tracks, the face, the squat. I looked at her, like I most always do, and said,"Poo poo?" She looked right back, stood up straight, and ran (she just started this little running thing) through the house to our bathroom. She had a long dress on (from church), so I was trying to unbutton the back of it to get it off for her and she stopped and let me do that. Then she marched on over to the toilet and pulled at her diaper, looking up at me like,"Now what?" I got her diaper off and set her up on the seat and plop went a little poo. She looked at me with a funny little smile.
I have to be honest, once I got her on the toilet I could tell she had already pushed the poop out, but it did fall into the potty. And I thought it was pretty cool that she knew exactly what I meant when I said,"Poo poo," and that she trotted right on to the bathroom. I'm not looking to potty train her next week or anything (I like potty-training about as much as I like feeding my little ones solid food until they're, like, 3). It's funny, though.

Reader Comments (3)
Hee, hee - you showed poop, too ;) How old is she?
Ali Kat-My girl is 15 months today. I have to admit that I happened upon your site on a day when you had recently posted a poopie on the potty. And I think this happened the following day. I had you in mind when I posted it. It's nice to be thought of, isn't it? :)
Sure is! Beth is 14 and a half moths - also nice that we already have one thing in common :D