Trying to Get Away...

If you are reading this, then you may know about my putting-laundry-away problem (which, by the way, grows more serious every day as the piles get bigger and bigger). When we were in Florida for Christmas, I happened to notice this one night...
This is after putting most of the clean laundry away.
Will someone please inform my putting-laundry-away problem that it is not welcome on my vacations...I'm trying to relax, you know?!

laundry in

Reader Comments (3)
All I have to say about this picture is those kids are just lucky that you do their laundry for them! I had to do my own from the time I was in Kindergarten. Not kidding! Guess that's why I am so good at it now...he he. Not. We are at the beach and thinking of you. Did you start the study yet?
So far the only studying I've done since we have been home is studying just how much of a disaster this house is, and thinking of moving it to a different house! I do need to get that book and start it though! Thank you!!
You should see my bed right now. I'm going to have to fold laundry before bed or I can't go to sleep. I HATE laundry....maybe more than dishes, though I'm not sure. I have a pile of those sitting in the sink and counter right now, as well. SIGH!