
We've been home a little while now, and an impending move, a PhD deadline, homeschooling responsibilities, and lack of sleep have led to one unenthusiastic mama. Although, I will say, I was singing some lovely aria the other morning to start Mike's day off right, and he said that it really did!
All of this is to say I have been trying to capture moments of sweetness and joy and savor them (I won't say I'm doing a great job at that, but I do want to try...). Here are a few fun photos of our little munchkin being funny.
Mike caught her "walking" in the living room with her shoes on.
This was just too cute.
And you may wonder why I think this is funny. You are probably thinking,"Aren't there, like, 50 pictures of Eliana eating yogurt already on this website?" Well, here she is eating it with a fork, and this is after refusing to eat it with a spoon. And I mean refusing. And that particular bite combined with that particular expression is pretty funny. Too much writing, I know, but I couldn't help it this time.
At any rate, I wanted to share those right now, and there are more to come soon...
Reader Comments (1)
Those pictures are just unspeakably cute! THere just aren't words! Could you Fed Ex her to us? Please? Oh, and p.s. I would be really into hearing that aria you sang the other morning. Maybe you could sing it in my place at the competition tomorrow? :)