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Just For a Little While

This morning I had an errand to run, so I packed all the kids up in the car with a library book to drop in the box out front, because it was on my mind and someone else had requested it.  Of course, Eliana fell asleep on the way home.  It was only 10:30 in the morning!  This tells you how much real sleep she's getting at night, but that's for another time.

When we pulled up in our driveway, Michaela asked if she and Christian could play at the far end of the driveway, closer to where it meets the garage (which is basically our backyard); she wanted to roller blade.  She got new roller blades for her birthday, and wanted to give them a go.  I tried to think of several reasons that this was not a good idea, but she was convincing.  She offered to sweep the driveway clean of all the debris that had collected so that she would have a smooth ride.  She even offered for Christian to help her,"It will be fun if we do it together!"  He chimed in,"Yeah!"

So off they went, armed with brooms, in order to make a clear space for all of the wheels. 

Pretty soon after they had finished sweeping and done a little riding in the driveway, Eliana woke up.  So, we went for a walk around the block.  They had so much fun... 

(Steps?  No problem!  We are a family of creative problem solvers!)


  (He looks tough, doesn't he?)

Here, Michaela is expounding on the dangers of the large holes in the sidewalk.  You have to watch out for them, or else...


...down you'll go. 

In the short time she's been roller blading, she's come a long way.  It's a good thing she hasn't only inherited my genes.

As we headed home, Christian said,"Take a picture of me!  I'm not going to smile; I'm going to pretend to be scootering." 

He might be pretending, but man, he's convincing!

Then when we got back home, he said,"Now take a picture of me racing!"

Clearly, the winner is...

At this point I was a little chilly so I went inside with Eliana, but the other two stayed out for a little bit...

A little bit turned into all day!  They came in around 4:45 and went straight into a shower.  So I figured out a very simple formula for peace and happiness in our home: 

                                    2  kids + (x)wheels + 1 great outdoors = energy output = quiet house

They really did have a fun day, digging in the back yard, climbing some, having a picnic...Christian popped his head in the door once and said,"Mom!  You are so nice for letting us stay out there for so long!"  That's me...Little Mrs. Nice Mommy.  At least for one day!                                                                                                         

Reader Comments (3)

I'm sitting here totally jealous....we've been in the negatives for a week...and now back to highs of the low 20s and high galavant outside with no coats on would be pure heaven! LOL
And Alexis is scared to death of rollerblades/skates. She tried them a couple of times when she was six years and seven and just never wanted to return to them *sigh*. So nope, we've never even been to a rollerskating rink. How pathetic, right?

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjen

That is the cutest quote! "pretend to be scootering". I love it! I'm gonna tell that story to all my friends.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJ.R. Walker

Hey...... call me. I haven't read your blog for a century and read something about an upcoming move. How are you? I am going to go find your number

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMissy D

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