January 2, 2009

Life flies by and we hardly have time to blink and all of a sudden eight years are gone.
When I think back to January 1, 2001, and remember giving birth for the first time it is so hard to believe that it was really that long ago. I can remember hanging over the back of our couch thinking,"This is really hurting. OWWWW," and things like that. I remember throwing up my dinner (because I was oh-so-foolish and actually ate dinner that night) as my contractions got stronger. I remember pushing and pushing and finally hearing that she (we knew we were having a girl) was around the difficult bend. The relief of it all. I lost too much blood. The medicine that made that okay in the end. Passing out the first time I went to the bathroom. Holding that tiny, tiny little girl and being amazed to see her next to my belly. Watching Mike hold her and rock her and stare at her.
And now...she's eight. Eight seems so old. Very big. Oh, my.
Here's something special...she shares a birthday with her Grandma Diana. And since we are in Florida right now staying with her, she took "the girls" out to lunch. Michaela's cousin, Michaela, and Grandma had a wonderful afternoon together. And that was just the beginning.
We celebrated the two birthdays with dinner and cake and ice cream. Michaela got to blow out the candles.
They both opened cards and gifts, which was a sweet time.
I'll just say it one more time...I can't believe she's eight...
She'll always be our "baby girl."

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