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More Birthday Festivities

Since school was canceled on Christian's birthday, his class celebrated it today with a one-of-a-kind book and a time for a special treat-cupcakes with chocolate frosting.  We were also able to share a book with his classmates, one of our favorites, which happens to coincide with the country they are studying-how cool is that?

The one-of-a-kind book is made up of letters from his classmates, each wishing him a happy birthday and other cute things ("Do you like blue?" or "You make me laugh" for example).  

What a wonderful memory made, and a gift to cherish.

Christian also got to share some special things that he brought from home in the "Birthday Bag."  Here, he is showing his friends his new robe (?! He wanted to bring it...). 

He also had some Zoobs (a toy), his iPod, a little car, and a Lego Star Wars creation.  And don't you love his crown?

And the moment they were all waiting for...

The room was very quiet for a couple of minutes.  But only a couple.

Mike took this time to read our special story (it might be my very favorite children's story/fable)-The Empty Pot

It is a wonderful story about a little boy who is greatly rewarded for his honesty and integrity, for doing his best.  I love it, love it, love it, and am so glad we were able to share it with the class.  I'm also glad Mike read it because I can't read it without crying.  Christian was excited to take this book too, which I thought was neat.  He walked around showing everyone a picture of the little boy and was very into the whole scenario.  Can you imagine?

It was sweet to be part of such a happy time in his classroom, and see the interaction between him and his classmates.  When the teacher read from his little book he tried to guess which person had written the page.  He would scan the kids in the floor and point to whomever he thought had written that particular note.  They would clap if he guessed correctly (which he did most of the time!).  They were very excited and proud. 

Watching your child in an environment in which he thrives is so satisfying, whether it's playing in the backyard or with friends at school.  I'm so glad we were able to participate in this birthday activity with his class.  He is surrounded by children who enjoy his company and teachers who bring out his best-what a blessing!

Reader Comments (1)

We have that book! Only, this is bad I admit, *I* don't recall ever reading it! Alexis "lifted" it from the school library in kindergarten...LOL...and I just found it last year in the bookcase when I was "organizing" their books. I can't remember if we were "fined" for not returning a book or not...that was so long ago (well, five years). Maybe I need to pull it out and read it tonight!

January 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJen

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