Two Guys and One Long Night

Well, my healthy little guy finally got a bug. Something got to him last night, at around 1 in the morning and he threw up then and two more times. I was there for the first time and then when he went back to sleep Eliana woke up and I went in with her, hoping she wasn't going through the same thing. She was fine, but poor Christian. And Mike was with him all night. They rested quite a bit today.
It's so awful to throw up. And it's awful to watch someone else throw up. And it's awful to clean up throw up. Mike took care of a bunch of the initial stuff, and I've been washing towels and water-proof pads and blankets all day. And having some obsessive-compulsive tendencies does not help. I have to be honest, it makes it hard to feel like I can care for my own kids. There's this "thing" hovering over and around me that I have to overcome (and I don't always do that so well) and all I can say is I'm so grateful for Mike and his compassion and wise fatherly knowledge.
Christian seems much better tonight, but very tired. And Eliana was acting super fussy just now, so I hope she does not get what he has/had. She may have just been super sleepy. At any rate, I'm looking forward to a less crazy day tomorrow. Unless more people start heaving in the middle of the night!
Reader Comments (1)
ohhh my....I know what ya mean....I love my kids to pieces but there are two things I do not handle well at all. Diarrhea and barf. I think the smell is what gets to me the most...since I have a very highly attuned smell sense. LOL I thank God for my Mike...he handles it with "ease". He even handled ME and MINE on his birthday/weekend when I had food poisoning...hoisting me up so it could come out both ends while I fell over on him with absolutely no energy. Sorry for the visual....but I know how you love to talk poop (or, maybe WE just love to talk poop together, LOL).
Everyone I know has been getting this bug...technically I don't think we have since Alexis' and mine was food we may still be in store for it yet. God help us. Hope everyone is feeling better in the Walker household...and gosh mommy, get that laundry put away! LOL