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A Note

Dear Dallas,

I am writing to encourage you as you work through this identity crisis.  Don't be surprised that I know...I totally understand what it's like to wonder what it would be like if things were different.  It's obvious that you are trying to sort out some issues that have been lying just below the surface but are now breaking through, and pouring out, so to speak.

But Dallas, lovely Dallas, you are not Seattle.  Nor are you a tropical rainforest.  I'm just going to give it to you straight...this constant rain cannot change the fact that you are Dallas, Texas, which just happens to be a great little spot in the northern part of our state!  Don't forget that you are one of the largest cities here!  (The third largest, actually.)  You have a lot to be proud of...this is the number one growing city in the entire United States of America!  People love you!  And they want to be here.  Think of Deep Ellum, and Tex-Mex, and the Arboretum!  White Rock, Six Flags, and the Mavericks!  All the places of learning, whether it be museums or schools, or universities and other establishments of higher education!  Let the sun shine, Dallas; there are plenty of reasons to put on a sunny face!

Look, I know what it's like to think that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...Ironically, however, the rain has made the grass greener here on this side of the fence. 

Lovely job, but enough is as good as a feast, as they say.

We all know there is a time for rain, a time for watering the earth.  But too much rain all at once can be counterproductive.  There's flooding and there are sewage can be a big mess.  We don't want that, right?

Close your eyes.  Well, maybe not, since then you couldn't read this.  Instead, just think of all the wonderful autumns that have passed.  I've heard people talk about how glorious autumn is here ever since we've been around (almost four years); it's not too hot and it's not too cold.  Take heart, Dallas!  It's not too late to get back to what you were meant to be!  That would be not rainy every day

Let me know if I can help in any way, okay?  I am great at listening, and baking.  I'm hoping that this note will strengthen and replenish your soul.  Goodness knows the replenishment that you have given!  Now it's your time to shine! 

Sincerely hoping to see the sun tomorrow,



Reader Comments (3)

This Autumn is just crazy all over the place! Here in Colorado it went from hot to snow. Rain in Dallas. (Makes me wonder what is actually happening in Seattle! LOL!)

October 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJac @ Wuzzle Makes Three

you are TOO darn funny! yeah Dallas is DEFINITELY not Seattle, I can attest to that, I hope sun reaches your perdy little face soon! Youll just be even more excited when you get to see it again!

October 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjana

Jac-thanks for stopping by! The weather is crazy everywhere, no?

And it was sunny today! I was worried this morning, but by noon, it was lovely.

October 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

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