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Flash Back to FlashForward

Last night Mike and I had a date.  Before anyone gets too excited I want to tell you it involved sitting on our blue denim couch watching a new TV show together on our big screen, but we had such a good time.  He put his legs over mine.  And then a little later I made brownies and we ate almost the whole batch just the two of us.  It was so much fun.

Watching a show together was always our thing.  Well, maybe not since we were first married; the first year we were married we didn't realize we had cable, or it wasn't hooked up or something, so we never watched TV that year, just rented movies sometimes.  I don't remember watching TV shows together until our third year.  And especially after Michaela was born.  We watched Alias!  I remember he said to me that there was a new show that was really interesting and had some good and complicated relationship story lines, and we watched and were hooked.  It took some weird turns over the years, but we were faithful to the end.

There were some times when we took a hiatus from our show-watching together, because of circumstances...when we lived in Kentucky he traveled about half of the time.  I watched enough TV for the both of us those two years!  I think during that time I watched every single episode of Friends and Frasier twice.  I also watched a lot of edited-for-TV movies on TNT.  The kids went to bed pretty early at that point, so I had a lot of time on my hands.  And a lot of laundry to fold (that never seems to change, no matter what stage we are in).  Watching TV is a good folding-laundry activity.

In the two years since Eliana has been a part of our family, I haven't really watched any TV.  At first she was a great sleeper, and then, as with each of my other kids, her sleeping habits got worse, and I have never been able to (strong enough to?) work towards healthy sleeping with very young babies.  It never seemed to work out that I could watch a show, even though there were shows I was interested in.  (Pushing Daisies was one of them-I love quirky that still on?  I haven't checked.) 

Anyway, the other day Mike told me about a new show that sounded's FlashForward.  And goodness, whoever came up with this story has got one wild imagination!  Has anyone else seen it?  It has quite a plot.  I have been sucked in and now there is no way I'm not finishing it out!  Hopefully it will take; we did watch Journeyman together, but it didn't make it past its initial season.  (And that was during the last two years, so I guess there has been a little TV in my life relatively recently.)

By the way, Joseph Fiennes must be one of the top five most intense looking people on the planet.  I think that Colin Farrell is another...the other three spots are up for grabs.  Any input?  How can someone do that with their eyebrows for such long periods of time (like always)?  You know, that  \  /  thing with their eyebrows.  Do you know what I mean?

I am looking forward to relaxing (okay, relaxing isn't the best word since the show made my leg muscles go tense until I made them stop, then they'd do it again until I noticed and made them loosen up...) with Mike and watching this show.  I also love watching a show like this with him because he always has such as interesting perspective on things.  I am simple...I watch a show.  I laugh.  I jump.  I cry.  But I don't often go below the surface; he does.  I am going to pick his brain along the way, get his commentary.  He helps me to think about things in ways that I normally wouldn't.  It'll be fun!  I'll grow.

What are you watching this fall?  What is your favorite kind of show?  I don't even know what else is on right now, which is probably a good thing!

Reader Comments (9)

Date nights are so important. No matter what you do! Glad yours was wonderful!

October 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

That sounds like our typical date night too. It's cheap and I can wear my jammies. Wasn't Alias the best?? At least for the first few seasons there was nothing like it. Amazing Race is good this season. I hadn't watched it for a few years but caught the premiere and there's a guy with Asberger's this year that I'm rooting for. It just started so you can still jump in.

October 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

I wanted to watch FlashForward but it's on at 8:00 and that is just not a possibility in this house. Maybe I'll catch up on the first episodes online and then set my DVR to record the series and then I can watch it in peace at 10:00. It would be fun to have a new show to watch. I've watched Lost on and off and I'll probably try to catch the last season when it comes on again. That is weird show! The only thing I watch now is Army Wives and that's mainly because it has some of my favorite actresses.

October 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

Jenny-yes, it had been a while because of some crazy schedule made me remember what fun just being together is, no matter where.

Mindee-Alias...Jennifer Garner rocked that role. Wow. Did I just date myself? Anyway, I've never seen The Amazing Race. I have a hard time with the reality shows (except when my mom is around! Then I get sucked in) but I could check it out.

Wendy-please watch it! I think you'd really like it, and then we can discuss! Because we don't ever have enough to talk about. Ha.

October 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

I've specifically stayed away from Flash Forward because Scott and I have had a "till death do us part" relationship with Lost for so many years - we just can't add another incredibly intense show to our list! We also watch Amazing Race and Top Chef together - I recently got him hooked on that one. Please tell me you guys watched the Flight of the Conchords I sent you last summer - that would be a great "date" night! And, I too, love the at home date night!

October 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

Michael & I LOVED Journeyman. We could not believe when they pulled it. We were crushed. FlashForward sounds really good, but I think there is another show that we watch that is on at that time. We are still extremely devoted to Grey's Anatomy. If I had to pick one show that we cannot miss, it is Grey's.

October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

I totally remember y'all into Alias! That is a funny memory!
I love the summer show, so you think you can dance, on fox. It's in its sixth season and just finishing the tryouts. i like when they actually get into the show and the dancers are asked to learn a new dance each week. their talent is just amazing. that's what gets me.
now i've never been into dancing with the stars. it's not me at all, but this show, i like :)

October 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjessica

Thanks for sharing what your TV passions are! I love hearing what everyone else has to say just as much as I like to listen to myself. :)

October 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

Please know I just sat here trying to do \ / with my eyebrows...John comes in and I tell him what I'm doing. So now you have two people doing it. :b

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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