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Costumes, Cupcakes, and Cranky

I am recovering from a night of sugar-induced whiney, fussy, short-temperedness...the kids are feeling the same way.

Just's they who were so out of sorts as the evening went on.  Things began on a decent note, although I had started the night off by pooping on their party, or for the more classy of you out there, raining on their parade.  I told them that we were not going to go trick-or-treating after the Fall Fun Fest, due to the Swine Flu.  Think of all those hands in all that candy, digging and leaving all manner of germs behind.  Can you believe I never had this thought until someone else mentioned it yesterday?!  I can't believe it myself.  Sometimes I just don't make any sense at all. 

What's kind of weird and funny is that Mike agreed with me when I voiced my concerns this afternoon.  I told him that I might not take them out after the church party and mentioned the reason and he was like,"Yeah, that's probably not good."  This from the one I was expecting to tell me to take a deep breath and stop overanalyzing these things!  That pretty much sealed the deal for me.

Of course, the sadness that ensued once everyone else was headed out into the neighborhood, plus talking to a couple of other moms (who said,"They're just as likely to get something here as walking around out there...") led me to change my mind.  And so we went. 

I can't say that it was all that fun.  Eliana wanted to eat M&M's constantly and hollered in my ear if I said no, plus I couldn't find the stroller so I had to carry her (oh, no!  I also never got to go look for the stroller...I think I must have left it in the street where Michaela played soccer this morning.  I can't think of anywhere else it might be.); we started off with one set of friends, which was an accident, and then when we went to catch up with the original crowd Christian lost it; Michaela complained when it was all said and done and we were headed home, because some of the other families that live outside of this immediate area were headed to other neighborhood parties.  And because I wouldn't let her have ice cream once we got home, showered, and ready for bed. 

I'll spare you the rest of the unpleasant details of our time before bed.  I will say that once everyone was down, they were out pretty quickly.  I don't know if this will be bad news in the end, since the clock goes back an hour tonight.

How about some nice and happy?

Here are the kids in their outfits just before heading to the Fall Fun Fest.





I know it's a lot, but the grandparents need to see!!  (I love Christian's outfit from the back!)

Eliana was delighted to find that there were copious amounts of chocolate at the Fall Fun Fest...chocolate and green icing.  I even took all of the icing off of her cupcake that I could by quickly swiping it on a plate before I gave it to her.  Can you imagine what she would have looked like if she had actually had the icing on it?

And looking at Christian at the end of the evening just cracked me up.  His costume was a little disheveled!  One of his moccasins was coming apart and check out his pants.  If you read the previous post, I had laid out the pants on the floor so the stripes were showing in the front.  I then said that the stripes were really for the sides, but so that I could show them off they were facing out like that...just for the picture.  Well, look how they ended up!  Totally turned so that they are running down the front! 

And yet again I managed to catch him without a limb!  This time it's the arm, though.  My timing needs some work. 

If I can get past the memory of the stinkpot moments, then I can say that they all had a really good time.  And now I'm off to divvy up the candy into equal shares and then eat the rest hide the rest.

Reader Comments (6)

Love the costumes!! Adorable! Glad you were able to catch some smiles at the beginning of the evening! :)

Saw your comment on my blog about your littlest one... did it end up being related to her eating? How did you fix it??? (Please tell me you did!)

November 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramy

We didn't go for the same reasons you almost didn't go. And our kids apparently DO have swine flu. So we've missed everything...Reformation party, candy, Phillies in the World Series, etc. We did at least carve pumpkins and have popcorn and hot apple cider together in our private germ infested house.

Your kids look so cute in their costumes. I could just eat Eliana up. Well, at least kiss her a lot. Love those cheeks.

November 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChandra

well they look just adorable! And my kids did have their hands in every candy basket. Luckily they're not sick yet...

November 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlissa

Your comments on my blog made me laugh!
Ladd? Really? What could that be short for? Because Ladd just doesn't fit. Although Ladd & Ree? Yeah that kind of fits. Either way, thanks for enlightening me!
And yes there are 5 kids but only 3 of them are actually mine. The girls are my nieces. My youngest sister is a single mom and I have the girls most of the time so yes I have 5 kids but really only 3. Isn't that Crocs picture so cute? I loved how it turned out! With so many kids in a small house we have to distinguish everything by color, which ironically is the color of their Crocs. I want to get a big print of it to hang over our shoe bench in the playroom.
I read a little of your blog and have to say I am also married to a Mike who is balding severly :) and we would've named our oldest Michaela had we had a girl and we would've spelled it just like that because she would've been named after her daddy. Oh and we're Christians too! :) But I did take my kids trick-or-treating.
Thanks for popping over to say hi!Come on over anytime. I'll be back to visit here if that's okay. :)

November 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

The important thing is that your costumes ROCKED. Awesome sewing job!

Sorry about the meltdowns. Tired kids + sugar + excitement is often a deadly combo.

November 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

I love the costumes!! You did a great job on them! The kids look adorable... :)

November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKate @ Bliss and That

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