My Life-Berenstain Bears-Style

You're always teaching
When you have little kids.
They hear what you've said
And they watch what you did.
You must tell them how
To get through each day.
They need to be taught,
To be shown the way.
Let's see what I have
To teach my offspring,
What lessons I'll offer,
What knowledge I'll bring
To bear on their lives
As they grow in my care,
What wisdom I have
That I'll humbly share...
I leave without knowing
Just where I am going-
I think I can get there
Without real directions
Since I saw it online
In a general depiction.
I also don't need a GPS
Since I can call the very best-
My hubs has Google by his side
And he will tell me where to drive!
Good thing I brought
My phone with me...
I'm wrong! The mantle
Is where it must be.
I have driven for so long
I will have to get some gas.
My credit card is in my wallet...
Oops, it's in my other pants.
We cut out coupons
To help save money.
A good idea, but
Here's what's funny...
I then forget
That they exist.
I'll come across them randomly
So I'll start to make a list.
I look at coupons
In the folder
And this one's old,
But this one's older!
There is a calendar on our wall-
It hangs there, oh so prettily.
With plenty of space to write
What to do or where to be.
But it is blank,
Just like my stare
When you ask,
"Why weren't you there?"
It makes no sense,
I can't explain
Why I don't use my
Calendar or my brain.
I bought a clock,
a big one too,
To see while in
The living room.
But there it sits,
still in the box.
Apparently I have
No use for clocks.
What's for dinner?
Shouldn't I cook?
It's going on five so
Why don't I look
Into a cookbook...
I have plenty!
I'd say there were
At least twenty
On my shelf but
They're gathering dust
Since I hate cooking-
"Fast food or bust!"
That's my motto
My poor kids want
Real food to eat.
My husband thinks
I ought to plan
Our meals each week-
He thinks I can!
But it's really hard
For me to do
And so we end up
With no food.
We live in such a crazy way
So this is what I want to say:
"This is what you should not do
Let this be a lesson to you."

Reader Comments (7)
that is so cute! Did you write it? I live that way too even though I try so hard no to! life is just crazy isn't it?
Lissa, I did write it...I think in rhyming couplets a lot of the time. :) This little poem could have gone on and on. I hate how disorganized I am. You would never be able to tell that you live the same way by looking at the pictures on your blog! Your house looks so lovely and peaceful.
Life is crazy, but I'm crazier!
I've been wondering what you've been up to. Now I know - writing this kick butt poem!
You are a funny lady Christina. I'll bet you're also teaching your kids how to go with the flow and laugh at themselves. Two KEY life skills imho. :)
Mindee...thanks! Telling me I'm funny is the best compliment you could give me. :) I do hope they are picking up some of the good stuff. I need to be better about going with the flow myself. Even though I'm an avid non-planner, I also don't do the wing-it thing well. What's a girl to do?! Ha, ha.
This is such an adorable post!
Whoa, you're good! Too cute!
HaHaHa! I love it! This is you and I love u! I know you don't like this aspect of our yourself but I love you for who you are!
You are a GIFTED lady, that's who you are. Honest, and honestly gifted! ;)