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There is a place to lay your head-

While once it was upon your bed

Or in my arms where you would rest,

It's now upon the Saviour's breast.

He made a promise He shall keep,

I know because His love is deep-

No matter how the river's wide,

His hands across will safely guide.

And when the waves begin to rise

And when the storm drowns out my cries

I'll lift my hands and will not doubt

The Saviour Who will pull me out

Of stormy seas, and rivers wild

Onto a shore with weather mild

Where I will find there's only light

The darkness gone, it's taken flight.

Here is a place that's been restored,

A place for worshiping the Lord,

A place of calm and peace and rest,

A place to lay my head, His breast.


in memory of Cora


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