Slow and Steady Wins the Race

This move has been a family affair; we've all been involved in the packing and the relocating, the cleaning and the unpacking, and even though it's taking a long time I think we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel. Christian has been so excited to help. I love getting these glimpses into his heart. Meaningful tasks are so rewarding for him.
I was having an identity crisis...I had no place to put my clean laundry.
We are slowly filling up our new house with our belongings.
Michaela has taken a great deal of pride in arranging her own room (even though the first two nights we've slept here she was in Christian's bedroom).
We had big plans to make lasagna and a nice salad for our first dinner here. Papa John's helped us out instead (we did manage the salad).
There is still an unbelievable amount to do, in both houses. But it is coming together. And I have a lot of hope for an organized home. On another note, the time for my parents to leave is approaching and I am sad about that. I will miss them very much. I am grateful for the time that they are able to spend here throughout the year...

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