Fixing Dinner

I don't really like to experiment with food. I'm not the kind of cook who can look at what I have on hand and whip something up and it's fantasticalicious (<--- she however is amazing). It's usually bleh with a little bit of mlech on the side. Add some salt, or ketchup and we're okay.
Tonight I went to make pizza (some folks brought pizza up at Michaela's soccer practice and Eliana started her chant-I thought I would be frugal and make it instead of order it); in true Christina fashion I whipped up the dough (I have a super-easy recipe from online) and then realized I had no mozzarella cheese. Hmmm.
I went back and forth, what would I do, save the dough for another day, make a mexican-style pizza, save the dough for another day, what would I do. I am probably one of the most indecisive people on the planet (I'm not sure about that, but I might be. On the other hand, there are probably people who have a worse time making a decision than me. But I really have a hard time, so I might be at the top. But I don't know...).
I finally decided to make the mexican pizza. I pushed the dough out into a circle (and Eliana said,"Peas-uh! Peas-uh!") and then slapped some refried beans on it and spread them around. I put some ground turkey seasoned with taco seasoning on top of that (yes, browned), and then some black beans and defrosted frozen corn. I dribbled a little salsa on top of all that, but just a little of the saucy part, we don't like a whole lot of chunks here. I topped it with Colby Jack, because that is the only kind of cheese I have (and when I say that is the only kind of cheese I have, I mean it. I have it shredded. I have it in single serving rectangles. I have it in slices. Why do I have so much Colby Jack and no mozzarella? Why?).
It didn't seem like it would be too bad. Theoretically, I thought, this could work.
Well, it was okay. This is the finished version (my daylight was gone, sorry about the bad photo...)
It was missing something. Or maybe there was too much of something. Dough? Refried beans? I'm not sure. What might help? Nothing? Very bad idea? I just wondered if anyone had an opinion on how to fix this...
Christian and Michaela ate it. In the end, Eliana decided that it was not pizza, and therefore would have nothing to do with it.
So, here's to experiments and fresh ideas. I think I'll stick to my recipes.

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