Five Bathrooms, Vera Wang, and Setting the Table

Guys go to Home Depot. Girls go to Walmart...
and Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and Kohl's, and JCPenney...I know it looks like a ton of stuff, but my mom and I got some GREAT deals yesterday on towels and other things for our bathrooms. Our new home is well-equipped in the potty category. We needed some trash cans and bath mats and shower curtains along with the towels, and we also found some great curtains for the living room as well as for our bedroom. We came across some very colorful curtains for Michaela's room, too.
And did we ever laugh. And it only took us 4 7 10 hours to accomplish all of our tomfoolery. I tell you what, we were acting as silly as fools by the time we got home and crashed. We showed Michaela her curtains today and she liked them very much. So much, in fact, that she wanted to wear them...
She is creative, no? My mom said she may be the next Vera Wang. The girl has many talents.
Eliana discovered that unpacking is quite fun, and kept herself very busy for hours today. Ok, it wasn't hours, but it was a long time and she had a grand afternoon with the plastic cups and metal tins she found. She placed everything on the table leaf that was sitting on the dining room floor. I guess we can't really say,"Don't sit on the table! Keep your feet off the table!" when it's so low to the ground, just asking to be played upon...
Christian had to get in on this action; he joined her little party and the two of them played happily together for a little bit.
Mike was watching them and commented on how Eliana was learning to play with others. It's fun to see them grow as brother and sisters. Eliana is interesting-she's very independent in many ways. Maybe it's because she has a brother and sister to observe, imitate, follow. She wants to do things herself, and in her own way. This is funny because she also gets a lot of attention; someone is almost always around to entertain her, distract her, help her. She gets the best of both worlds. I'm not sure what worlds that would be...but you know what I mean.
Today is also the day my parents left. It's always hard when someone comes to visit, and then leaves again, especially someone like Grandma and Grandpa. They've stayed with us in two different houses, and helped us pack, move boxes, transfer furniture, run errands, put things away. It was a crazy, crazy week, and so much fun. We were sad that they had to go. We always say, the days before the end of a visit,"I miss you already!" Well, I miss them still!
I must say, it's late. We have a long way to go...there is still so much over at the old house, and things are still all over the place here. In keeping with the unfinished, wacky condition of our house right now I will not properly

Reader Comments (1)
Miss Scarlett? Aint fittin! Aint fittin! Aint fittin!