Digging Deep

There are plans around here to improve our backyard. Mike and the kids are going to plant some new grass, some pretty wildflowers, and maybe other flowers as well as vegetables. Right now, however, it's pretty much dirt, with a few blades of grass here and there. Our three moles children have been digging in this dirt for days now, and loving every minute of it. Eliana discovered early on that although her shoes have holes in them, those holes are not made for dirt...
More than once I had to rescue her toes from her self-inflicted dirt-attacks. Christian, true to form, enjoyed jumping on the shovel. He liked to see how much dirt he could get on it at one time. He also liked to dig a little here, and then move over and make a hole there.
He's a little guy, but he's strong. He had a lot of fun with that shovel and took great pride in his digging.
Michaela had a plan for her hole. She would dig, and then fill and pat.
Three, so different, yet so much the same...

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