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« Good Things Come to Those Who Wait | Main | With Both Feet »

She's Almost Here!

My mom is almost fact, I talked to Mike quite a while ago and he said they were very close (on the road that you turn off of to get onto our street) and they still haven't arrived.  Maybe they stopped for a five-course meal? I think they went to get ice, because our ice maker is broken (yes, along with the disposal, and the dishwasher that doesn't work properly).  We need ice.  My mom likes her ice with a little Big Red.  I like my drinks cold too.  I accidentally exploded (well, not totally, because I did open it first) a can of Coke in our freezer recently trying to get it really chilled.  And Mike had just cleaned our fridge so that it was like new!  Sorry, Mike!  I opened the freezer to get it out and  Eliana was on my hip and she said,"Uh oh!" I'm going to go fold some clothes until they get here, so I can pretend like I've been doing productive things while I wait.

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