Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 11:13PM
I got out some blueberries mid-morning because I needed to do something with them before they became trash. Michaela got a bee in her bonnet about making something as well, and decided on "Pasta and Trees" by Rachael Ray. So we got the water on to boil, the broccoli cooked, and the blueberries set out for muffins (did I hear someone say,"Unpack..."? Please! I have blueberries to rescue!). I was holding Eliana all the while, and she was taking in all of our activity. Michaela began breaking the broccoli into smaller bites, and I measured some of the blueberries into a small bowl. Suddenly Eliana started chanting,"Bite, bite!" I looked at her and looked at her choices...
I couldn't imagine she wanted either thing, really. This is the girl who refuses to touch a strawberry, a sweet potato, a pea, an apple...surely she did not want broccoli. And she consistently rejects blueberries as well.
She continued her chant, however, and so I held up a piece of broccoli. She took a little bite out of the middle of the floret, and I just knew it would be returned for a full refund immediately. She chewed it a bit, and then opened her mouth for the rest of the piece I had in my fingers!
I looked at her closely to see if she really was Eliana, or some secret agent baby infiltrating my home to spy on all of my housekeeping/home managing (in)abilities.
I found no wire taps, or double secret video recorders on her person, and concluded that this girl was indeed my own child, however mysterious she was behaving. She called out,"Bite! Mo-ey (more)." So I gave her another little floret...
She ate it so fast, I couldn't get a shot of it in her hand. But I promise it was there! Look, you can see a tiny bit of it sticking out of the corner of her mouth. She ate several more, and I was shocked. Speechless. Amazed.
Meanwhile, Michaela was busy with her recipe. She got the butter and the olive oil ready, and waited patiently for the pasta to cook so that we could mix all the ingredients together.
The finished product was good, a delicious lunch that we prepared together. What fun.
My muffins had to wait; they made it in after I ate my "Pasta and Trees" and they came out a bit overdone. I am learning a new oven...this one seems to run hot. Also, I have yet to find a blueberry muffin recipe that is great. They don't taste quite right. Maybe it needs the optional lemon zest, or maybe it's not chocolate therefore it doesn't suit my palate. And chocolate blueberry muffins do not sound like the answer.
tagged Eliana, Michaela in Uncategorized
Reader Comments (1)
Aren't kids funny little things? One day they love something and the next thing you know, they hate it and vice versa. Get as much broccoli into her as you can while she likes it!
Mmmmm . . . blueberries.