Little Goals, Big Picture

Today I started with one thing. I looked around, and saw all that still needs to be done-the boxes, the cleaning, the everyday and routine stuff-and I thought,"I need to pick up one thing and put it away." So I did.
That one thing led to a couple more things, and then I started clearing off the table in the schoolroom. It was heavy-laden.
Eliana was asleep, Christian and Michaela were having some computer time, and it was just me and a quiet room that needed to be ordered. I was busy, working steadily, accomplishing one thing at a time.
I worked for about one hour, and realized that it was time to get ready for Christian's soccer game. I felt good about what I had been able to put away, sort, or trash.
When I went back through the room later this evening, I glanced at the table. I could hardly tell that anything was gone of off the top even though I had unpacked two boxes, as well as returned an assortment of odds and ends to their proper places. I felt so discouraged.
I suppose I just can't do that, though. I have to know that I did get something done, even if it doesn't look like it. And then I have to keep on going. I keep telling myself that eventually it will be great, when things are ordered and put away, and we're really moved in. This process seems to take forever for us, but the truth is that the last three homes in which we lived, we were there for two years or less. I almost feel like we never have had the chance to really settle. We will be here for a while (as far as we know), so this could be the time that we get good and moved in!
So, ask me in about six months or so how things are going, and I will have a very positive answer for you! Six months sounds like a long time to some, but I think that is a good goal for us. That way, if it's sooner, we will have some big-time celebrating to do!

some thoughts in

Reader Comments (2)
Ugh, I hate living out of boxes. Good job with your progress though!
Give yourself some time. Unpacking and settling in takes a while, especially with young children. I'm just starting to get things REALLY settled in our house. Of course, I did get pregnant a month after we moved here and have a baby last year. :-)