Sacrifice-It Runs in the Family

This afternoon Mike picked Christian up from school early in order to take him and Michaela to a ballgame with some friends. This was a very special treat! It also meant that he didn't take lunch to school, since Mike was getting him at noon.
Oddly enough, Christian waltzed through the hot lunch line, and proceeded to order a cold sandwich as soon as his class arrived in the lunchroom. His teacher had to tell him that that was not okay, for he hadn't asked permission (we don't pay for hot or cold lunch). He ended up with a plate full of the fixings for a chicken taco, fruit, a turkey sandwich, and a cookie. The mom helping with lunch today said,"I don't know how he's going to eat all that!"
Of course, he wasn't supposed to get any of it, and Mike dropped it off here and then took off with the kids to the game. I gave Christian the chicken taco for dinner, which worked out well for me, and Michaela had leftover pasta-it was that kind of night. Later, Mike was headed back to the office and looking for some nourishment. Being the excellent wife that I am, I offered him Christian's sandwich that we stole from school today.
I only knew half the story.
Just a little bit ago I heard from my sweet husband. He said to me that as he took his first bite of that turkey sandwich he remembered more of the conversation that took place at the table. When he informed the helping mom that Christian was not supposed to get a sandwich she replied,"That's okay. I guess we can just put the sandwich back or someone else will eat it. Oh, wait a minute. We can't do that really, because he asked for ketchup on the turkey sandwich, and I don't know if anyone else will want a turkey sandwich with ketchup."
He continued,"So here I am. Eating a sandwich made of white Wonder Bread, turkey, a cheese-food slice and....ketchup.
It's been a long time since he had white bread. And the fact that it stuck to the roof of his mouth like his retainer in high school is a good reminder why that is true.
I think I need to get back to planning meals.
life together,
silly in

Reader Comments (1)
I can't imagine how hungry I would have to be to eat leftover school food - with ketchup no less. That is a brave man you've got there!