One of the many conditions from which I suffer is FLAT SURFACE SYNDROME. Does this affliction plague anyone else? The symptoms manifest themselves in a variety of ways, but always include items that belong somewhere in particular, but end up on top of a flat surface which is not the actual somewhere that they ought to go. And there they remain for an indefinite but definitely too long period of time. Most likely they remain because it is easy to leave the items in their present though incorrect location. There are distractions which lead those suffering from this condition in other directions, in order to tend to more urgent things. There are the daily tasks which must get done, like dishes or laundry or bathing the children, and so the items remain aliens in a strange land, pilgrims on a long journey that seems like it will never end. These things do have homes, though. And I am determined to help them find their rightful places and bring peace and harmony to our house as things are set to right. There are the mild cases...
and there are the extreme scenarios...
We have bookshelves...
and countertops...
(The two above examples fall into the extreme category, because they are both hiding behind something else and therefore not prominent, making it even easier to ignore the items; here I would like to enter a plea of unpacking incompetence, by which I cannot be charged guilty in the true sense of the word, and through which I may buy myself a little sympathy as well as time.) These areas are always a source of great irritation, but they can also be an interesting study in human psychology.
How does one end up with a dead cell phone, a watch, a remote control, a lid to a sauce pan, a coaster, a change sorter, some earrings, some Stitch Witchery, and a little Mexican hat all in the same spot? Don't forget the lotion and the baseball cards. I'll tell you how...it's the path of least resistance. Or the easy way out. Or the lazy alternative to following through and putting things where they belong. It is unusual in that this is both a key cause and symptom of FSS and is almost impossible difficult to treat in many cases. I will be honest with you. I waffle daily, hourly even, between feeling terminal, hopeless, incurable, and feeling as though a big change were coming, the time is ripe, the time is now for a new way of living. Tonight I'm feeling the change. I'm motivated. I've already got one surface cleared off, and I'm working on a second. I think I'll go with it! I'll strike while the iron is hot! I'll make hay while the sun shines! I'll just do it! I'll see how many clichés I can use in a single post. Wish me happy putting-things-away! (We know how this often turns out, as represented by my putting-away-clean-laundry problem...so I really need support here, folks.)

Reader Comments (5)
You have my support! For starters, you have my permission to toss the wine bottle on the table in the dining room. It's empty:).
And we're making progress....the mantle over the fireplace is clear, as is the coffee table in the living room. Some day you'll have to put up some pictures of the things that DO look "in order"!
Uhm...dang girl.
The only thing I can think of...is get rid of some stuff. It's all STUFF. It's not going with us when we die...if you don't use it daily or even weekly...or if you haven't used it in a year...it's time to go. God will provide should you need it again...have faith for that. LOL I'd go craaazay if I had to put so much stuff away (I mean, the laundry situation is enough to make me craaazay though, LOL). Good luck...may the force be with you!
FSS? Good to know that my affliction has a name. :)
OOoohh, *sigh*. I soooo have to clean off EVERY flat surface in my house. And soon. When the piles get taller than me, it's time.
Good luck w/ your flat surfaces!
Ali, The tall piles around here are often laundry! But my husband is impressed by my ability to place things precariously yet they do not fall. It's a talent, really.