Five Benefits of Hand-Washing the Dishes

#1 I could slather on some fabulous lotion and don some rubber gloves and get a FREE spa hand treatment while getting this job done at home.
#2 I burn 73 calories an hour-that's 1/2 of a Coke! (Probably not touchin' the brownies, though.)
#3 I am honing my logic and spatial reasoning skills. It's a challenge to see how many dishes I can fit on the rack and how high I can get them, without half of them falling off of one side or the other. I must figure out which ones should go first, and which ones will work on the outsides in order to rein in all the unfettered and boisterous dishes in between (the cups have minds of their own and they're very strong-willed).
#4 One day I can tell my children,"Oh, you think you have it so hard...I had to wash dishes by hand! Barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways!"
#5 It is actually quite satisfying to see the clean sink when you're all done, and the dishes tend to get put away sooner rather than later (especially if the pile was so big it was a two-rack job, or even three-hey, sometimes I skip a night).
I'm trying to look at this glass half-full (then I don't have to wash it, right?)...waiting patiently for when we may get a new dishwasher. I know there are other hand-washers out there. Hand-washers unite! Pruny fingers are sexy! Dishwater on your clothes and on your skin is lovely! Seriously, it is a privilege to perform this else are my kids going to eat their cold cereal in the morning?
silly in

Reader Comments (1)
We went without for six months last year. It wasn't the worst thing in the world. I'd much rather go without a dishwasher than a washing machine. However, I was VERY happy when the dishwasher finally came and the kids no longer complain about doing the dishes because they know that it could be much worse!