I'm a Poet, Not a Planner-Herein Lies the Evidence

My sister-in-law asked me tonight how last night went...she wanted to know if I accomplished what I had planned. The truth is I did something that was much more important.
I've written about how I feel about making plans. It's not my favorite thing to do. I really rebel against schedules (I took a family a meal this afternoon even though I didn't sign up on the online calendar to do it and someone was already bringing them a meal for tonight-mine was frozen, homemade, but I didn't want to sign up on the calendar and feel locked in, committed!) And usually if I do make a plan and things don't go how I thought they would for some reason I get frustrated. Or even mad.
Yesterday I made a commitment to stay off of the computer in the evening so that I could work on a few areas in the house that have gotten a wee bit out of control. The desk where our computer is would be one of those areas...did you know that if you leave your papers alone for long enough they begin to multiply? Yes, they are very naughty.
I did not get around to cleaning the desk last night, nor did I put away or even fold the laundry, but God knew that I would need the time to connect with someone who is important, someone I needed to talk to. He had a plan that trumped mine, but used my plan at the same time. I'm so grateful that He is in control, that I can rest in His grace, and that one day my plans will line up perfectly with His and I'll no longer be a rebellious child. I'll always be His child though. What blessings are mine!
I'll take one day at a time, and one mess at a time. I'll take comfort in knowing that my heavenly Father loves me even though I have a hard time keeping house. I'll try to be cheerful rather than weighed down by my own feelings of failure. It's so easy to recognize how important the relationships in my life are when it's late at night, quiet, and peaceful, when I can reflect and focus on the sweet moments of the day rather than the unpleasant ones. It probably seems like I'm writing haphazardly...in some ways that's true. A bit of stream-of-consciousness.
It started with a plan. But the plan didn't stand. Still it didn't hit the fan. I'll tell you what, man. You just do what you can. Love on your clan. Clean up your van. And keep makin' plans.
What can I say? I live to rhyme. I do it all the time.
All right, all right, now I'll say good night. Sorry, sorry. I'll stop.
Really I will. Do you love me still?

Reader Comments (1)
Find the man and take the AN to the tan van.
Um, so I always checked your blog from work and this week on vacation realized that I didn't have it bookmarked at home. I just fixed that.
How funny that you hate plans. I thrive on them. I love me a good plan. I find it centering. And yet both of us manage households of five just fine. He made all kinds didn't He?