Play Ball!

Christian had a t-ball game tonight, and it's the first time that I have both had the camera there and had a battery that was charged enough to take pictures of the whole game, and not just one whole game, but two. Oh yes, a double-header, with the first game starting at 5:30. The second game would end around 7:30. Mike had a meeting. I took all three kids to the field. I was a little less than enthused.
We were there a little early for warm-up. This is Christian...
Seriously. Earlier in the day we were leaving a friend's house and I'm pretty sure I heard him say,"Boo-ya!" "Boo-ya"? Really?
In spite of my worries, it turned out to be a fine evening. Michaela took it upon herself to watch over a troop of little girls who delighted in her stories and general tutelage, and all of them had great fun coming up with many different things to do including making sandcastles. These little girls got good and dirty.
Where did my daughters come from? They like to dig their fingers into the ground. They like to play outside no matter what the weather is like. These are things that come from their daddy's rounds things out, I'm sure. Otherwise my little bookworm would be as white as salt and as muscular as a wet noodle.
Christian had a great time...the team played very well. It was amazing to see them working together, throwing the ball to one another in an effort to get the other guy out, and cheering one another on. He played pitcher first. (Why, yes, there is a pitcher in t-ball. Funny, no?) He was getting ready for the first batter...
Early on he fielded a ball and threw it over to first base; the first baseman tagged the base and the runner was out!
Great play, guys! They thought so, too...
I love Christian's intensity when he is playing a sport...
He has the ability to check out the ball's whereabouts while hot-tailing it to the base...he's speedy.
Back on the field, he played third base. He caught a ground ball, watching his base the whole time...
and moved onto third quickly...
You can see the other team's coach telling the runner to stay put. He didn't have to go, it wasn't a forced run. I was proud that Christian did what he did, though, I thought it was smart. (I can't think fast on my feet like that. Watch; ask me what is 7 x 8...53! No! 56! See? I'm no good...and I'm not even on my feet.) And just because I haven't shown you enough pictures already... another first base run...
Second game, first time at bat (I like the action)...
Well, it wouldn't be baseball otherwise, would it, now?
Another at-bat...eye on the ball!
They tied the first team, but they won the second game 15-13. Since it is a 6-run per inning game (or however you want to say it) it's hard not to tie. The second game actually had several outs on both sides. It was an exciting win.
Now it's the bottom of the ninth, and the bases are loaded...I'm up and the pressure is on; that's the way it is when you are known for batting 1,000. (Read..."It's late and all the kids are in bed. I'm still up, but I need to get to sleep, although it's as sure as peanuts and baseball that I'll get it all wrong tomorrow, too." Why mess up a perfect record?)

Reader Comments (2)
Man Chris ~ it's too bad you guys live wayyyy down south...I'm pretty confident Christian and Dominic would be fast friends!!
Go Dinos go!! From, Nicholas
Good job, Christian!! From, Catherine