All Is As It Should Be

We are leaving for Florida tomorrow. My house is a wreck. I cooked the most time-consuming dinner possible tonight, as well as the one that requires the most clean-up as far as hand washing dishes (my stoneware that can't go in the dishwasher, my griddle that can't go in the dishwasher, my giant cutting board that I'm hoping will fit into load number two...).
I was trying to use up the food in our fridge (and the potatoes) that would not be any good when we return. Pizza might have been the way to go.
Christian cried the whole two hours (yes, TWO HOURS) I was preparing dinner, and so did Eliana unless I was holding her. Have you ever peeled potatoes while holding a toddler? We talked about the word sharp. I did put her down while I cut them up. I'm not that crazy.
Anyway, back to Christian...he was complaining of a headache, and then his headache went away and he had a stomachache. I sent him to bed, fully anticipating a puke-a-rama at any moment. Or maybe he'll wait until it's the middle of the night and then he'll throw up. It would definitely make for a more exciting night. Besides, I'll still be up packing! I'm not packed.
I've started! But there is laundry yet to be done. My plan was to be packed by Sunday evening. I'm a little behind schedule. I'm taking a break to regroup, gather my thoughts, and eat some cake. Oh, you can bet I'm having my cake and eating it, too. Although, I got the serious kick in the behonkey today at the doctor's office...I was forced to sign with my own blood that I would exercise regularly, twenty minutes a day, from this day forward, till death does kill me. The blood part and the oath I made up, but the RN did tell me that I need to start exercising every day, or else.
Then she squeezed her own middle, pinching an inch, and raised her eyebrows. I was at the doctor's office because I slammed my toe into the steps the other day as I was heading up them, causing great pain and agony. It felt like electricity was shooting through my toe, and over the course of the following days it got swollen and remained very sore. I was worried that I had done something to cause an infection inside my toe where the nerves are far from being healed.
I saw the RN and she told me my toe was fine, I likely just aggravated an injury that was not fully healed. Then she proceeded to kick me in the booty and tell me how I need to exercise every day from now on. And drink lots of water. It's hard to drink water when your water smells like dirt. Why does our water smell like dirt? Mike made fun of me for being on the computer, because earlier I told him that I had so much to do I was going to cry (you should know that he wanted me to help go over the books of the Bible with Michaela-I am an excellent mother). This (the crying) still might happen, but at least now you can all go to sleep (or eat your breakfast) knowing just what I was up to today and what I was thinking about tonight. Friends, my cake is gone. My milk is gone, so I cannot go back for more cake.
The house, it beckons; it calls to me. I must attend. Farewell.
Reader Comments (1)
Have a wonderful trip. I hope the barfing is held at bay while you are traveling. And while you're exercising? Do a few minutes for me too please!