Ode To Wendy

Growing up I never had a sister;
The only sibling in my life a mister.
I always thought it would be neat,
But my parents didn’t see fit
To have another baby!
When I married then I got a sister.
At first we didn’t spend much time together.
We lived far apart,
She was mature and smart,
And I was still just a baby.
Then we started having kids.
We talked of onesies and of bibs,
About diapers, and poopy
And breasts until loopy
While always nursing a baby.
We spend time at the beach every summer,
The end of the visit a bummer.
We figure out ways
To get through the days
And now there is no baby!
There are meals to prepare and messes to clean.
All day we wash clothes and apply the sunscreen.
We’re cleaning up messes, washing up kids,
Passing out drinks-lids or no lids?!
Goodness, we’re glad there’s no baby!
This trip my sister-in-law has been busy,
Because of my youngest we’re all in a tizzy.
Her patterns for sleeping are just not the best,
And much of my time is spent getting her to rest,
Even though she is no longer a baby.
My sister-in-law takes over, with three kids of her own;
She’s made dinner and bathed the five kids while alone.
Pajamas, and toothbrushes, and books she has found
Stepping over toys, climbing laundry mounds,
Did I say we’re so glad there’s no baby?
She’s picked up my slack on this trip once or twice
And I’d just like to say that I think it’s real nice
Really much more than that,
Because at the drop of a hat
She takes care of me like I’m a baby.
I’d normally say we work well as a team,
But on this vacation my life’s been a dream.
She’s done so much work I feel like a jerk
Since my excuse is not,”There’s the baby!”
She’s not only my in-law, but also my friend.
And in her honor I’d like to extend
This token of gratitude
For her affect on my daily mood
Excuse me while I cry like a baby.
Even though we stay up way too late
And tempt each other with chocolate cake
Waking up is easier to do
When you face the day with someone who
Understands your non-sleeping baby.
I’m so glad I can be
At the beach with Wendy.
I have quirks, more than one,
And she puts up with a ton,
Including how I whine like a baby.
We’ve seen many changes through all of these years,
We’ve laughed lots of laughs and cried many tears.
And one change I’m grateful for
Is that she’s an in-law no more.
I think of her as my sister!
(Did that last line throw you?)

Reader Comments (2)
Hahah what a cute poem! :)
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