Good Night

I'm going to bed soon. I've been flitting around on the internet. Most of the time when I do that I am reading blogs and laughing; there are some very funny ladies out there, moms who share great stories with a lot of humor. There is nothing I like more than laughing until my face hurts. Tonight, though, I've come across many blogs that are heartbreaking. While there are so many folks out there who live normal lives, and just relate everyday events for friends and family, there are SO many folks out there who are suffering, in pain, grieving a loss, and just trying to make it through each day intact. Some of them find comfort in God, but not all of them. It's easy to get caught up in the emotion that particular people I don't even know are experiencing.
So, tonight I'm going to bed and I'm making a choice to be grateful. Our house, it is a disaster (partly from having moved a couple of months ago, and partly because, well, it's ours). Our children, they are sassy and disrespectful (it feels like) a majority portion of every day. Our laundry, it is piled up both clean and dirty (but not together!). But...we have a home. We are all healthy (as far as I know). We have clothes to wear, and food to eat on top of that. At the end of the day, we can tell one another,"I love you." Even at the end of a hard day. And for that, I am grateful.

Reader Comments (4)
It's good to be reminded to be grateful, and good to be reminded to appreciate even the not-always-the-best-behaved children we've been blessed to have in our care.
Yep. I hit a blog like that yesterday too. It's too bad that it takes other people's misfortune for me to appreciate my blessings.
Great post... and yes. This is something I'm really working on lately. Focusing on the "I Have's" rather than the "I Need's". :)
I needed to read this tonight. I get so frustrated with the sass at my house. But you're right... there is so much more to be grateful for. I need to focus my heart on that. (while still trying to end the sass and disrespect. ugh.) Thanks for the reminder.