An Afternoon With Some Animals (Other Than the Kids)

The other day a storm was threatening our fun all morning and into the early afternoon. It finally decided to show up...
It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but the rain went on and on. We were stuck inside for several of the afternoon hours. What usually happens here, though, is the sun bursts back through the clouds after the rain. The sun never really came back out that day, but we did end up outside for a late afternoon that was very exciting.
First, the kids discovered a skate and a bonnethead shark down on the beach; they had died and washed ashore. They were small, but the kids thought this was very cool.
Cousin N. will touch or pick up pretty much any animal life that he's allowed to...
Christian didn't pick it up, but he was right there. I think he was cold.
Even Aunt Wendy took a turn with the shark!
Then to add to the excitement of the evening someone spotted fins in the water. This usually means dolphins passing by, and they seemed closer in than usual. The conditions were such that there was a drop off just past where the waves were breaking on the beach. The kids tore off down the beach chasing the dolphins as they headed north.
I tried very hard to get some pictures of the dolphins jumping out of the water, because they were leaping and catching fish. Here is one; I had to close in on it when editing so it's not sharp, but you can see that there is a fish in its mouth.
Then it jumped way out with another fish in its mouth!
They were so amazing to watch, sleek and beautiful.
The kids were so excited and wanted to swim with them! Especially the girls...
Wendy was trying to tell them,"There it is!" You can see how close we were to them...
I love this picture; it tells such a great story. Cousin C. is headed out with no hesitation, and Michaela is right behind her. Cousin N. is on his way, but not quite as quickly. And bringing up the rear is Christian, and really he's stepping backwards. They have such distinct personalities!
Cousin J. happily ran down the beach with everyone else, and loved watching all of the activity.
After a long chase up the beach we had to head back to get ready for dinner. The boys discovered a crab on the beach and had to investigate the situation.
The girls just ran and ran all the way back to our condo. Holding hands.
We eventually came to the conclusion that the lovely creatures who put on such a show for us were pilot whales. It was such a fun experience to witness their lively pursuit of dinner (Sorry, little fish!), and their playing in the water. A final shot, because we too were in pursuit of dinner, and we headed inside right after this.

Reader Comments (2)
You are having the BEST vacation!!
thanks a lot dear, im very interesting for your article. im very impresing for this :)
jasa iklan