Lest You Think I Was Joking

We have been busy this morning. Here's a funny story. A little while ago I told my mom I felt like Elizabeth Abbott in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a character who attempted to be the first woman to swim the English Channel. She tells him that the current was so strong that day that for every one stroke she took the water pushed her two strokes back.
I had put the ironing board away and as I walked back through the computer room to go into the living room all I could see was the big pile of stuff that remains in the corner of that room, a perplexing arrangement of boxes and electronics that I can't seem to get put away. I made the above comment to my mom, about the swimming, and I was almost in tears; they kind of came out of nowhere. I told her that I felt like that because as I was walking back after putting the ironing board away I saw that big pile and felt so stymied.
She said,"Big pile of clothes that need to be ironed?"
I laughed and was saved from totally breaking down.
I don't know if that story makes any sense, sorry if it doesn't. I also wanted to show you what my sweet parents have tackled.
Our mail pile needed some wrangling.
Anyway, we are trying to make progress and it will be slow, but I suppose something is better than nothing. Like, one cookie is better than no cookie. Or one bite of brownie is better than no bite at all.
I see some chocolate in my future.

Reader Comments (6)
arent parents the best!? You'll get it girl! I totally thought the post made sense;)
Totally agree...chocolate is definitely on it's way.
Chocolate by way of Steak and Shake!!! Total overload!!! Now going to lie down until I deflate!!!
Many hands make light work.
I'm glad your "hands" are so loving.
A grateful heart doesn't have the right words, it seems, to express the gratitude sometimes. My parents' love for us is so great, and so wonderful!
Hi! I got here via a roundabout way involving clicking through links, but I understand what it's like to get buried under STUFF and not be able to see a way out. I also enjoy giving unsolicited advice, so ignore this if it's not useful to you.
I just read two good books: Organize Your Life: Free Yourself from Clutter and Find More Personal Time by Ronni Eisenberg and Kate Kelly ( http://tinyurl.com/ndda35 )
The Clutter-Busting Handbook: Clean It Up, Clear It Out, And Keep Your Life Clutter-free by Rita Emmett ( http://tinyurl.com/ml5qur )
I used tinyurl because Amazon URLs are so very long.
Also, flylady.com is fabulous...she's all about the baby steps, so instead of trying to redo your entire way of living in a day, you change one little thing. Then, when you've got that, you move on to something else.
Anyway, all these are really non-judgmental and encouraging. Best of luck!