August 23, 2009

One union before one God
Two commitments
Three births
Four schools
Five states
Six dining room tables
Seven Walkers
Eight homes
Nine losses
Ten computers
Eleven hundred books
Twelve years
It's hard for me to believe that twelve years ago I was just a few hours into married life. It was shocking. It was hard. It was joyful. It was awkward. It was comfortable. It was frustrating. It was a blessing.
Mike and I have been through a lot; there have been stressful times, and there have been amazingly wonderful times. There are so many things that run through my mind as I think back on our years together. So much has changed, and so much has stayed the same. For example, Mike used to have hair, and now he doesn't; I still want to put the dishes in the sink and he wants to put them on the counter. (Why don't either one of us just put them in the dishwasher?!)
I was thinking last night about our marriage, and how sometimes it's difficult to be married. Especially to someone who is so different from you (for anyone who knows us, you know we are POLAR opposites in many, in every way). And I thought about how even when I'm maddest there is always this one thing that amazes me. It ALWAYS amazes me, astounds me, that no matter what happens Mike still tells me he loves me. He chooses to love me even when it's hard. I think about the promises we made on that beautiful afternoon in August of 1997 in front of the people we knew and loved and had seen us grow up. We promised forever. And we meant it. Thinking about those things makes it easy (easier...) to love even when it's hard to be married.
We didn't do anything fancy tonight; we had dinner together, the five of us. Earlier in the afternoon I said to Michaela,"Do you know what happened twelve years ago today?" She gave me some silly answers, like,"America became independent." (?? What a goof.) I pulled out some of our wedding pictures and then she got it..."OH! You and Daddy got married!" I asked Eliana who that was, pointing to the picture of Mike-with hair and a goatee. She smiled and said,"Daddy!" I thought that was pretty good, since he's so clean-shaven now. I wasn't so sure, though, when she cried out,"Daddy!" after Michaela asked who I was in the picture! Later at dinner Mike started a sentence with,"Did you know that twelve..." and Michaela shouted out,"I know! Twelve years ago you and Mommy got married!" She was so excited.
Twelve years ago, we got married...and look how far we've come, together.
Speaking of things that don't change, I still have the bear.

Reader Comments (7)
Happy, happy anniversary!! I love you guys!!
I love this! Love the poem (so cute, I may have to steal that idea). And the pic at the end is adorable.
Yes, we choose to love and that makes all the difference.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Isn't it funny how on the day you make those promises you really have NO IDEA what you're talking about? Congrats and sticking it out and making it through.
I can't believe it has been 12 years. I remember it like it was yesterday (okay, I really don't, I don't remember the teddy bear part at all). I enjoy reading your posts and your vulnerable moments.... Love You!! Missy
What a sweet post! Just happened to click on your name at Pioneer Woman, glad I did! Positive words about marriage are so comforting!
Happy Anniversary, Christina. We celebrated 11 years this June and I had very similar thoughts... I found your blog from Rebecca's from Shannon's. :) I have kept up with Shannon for the last few years since we moved from Princeton. I love your creativity on this blog and I'm thrilled to see you're still homeschooling! I'd love to catch up sometime...for starters, if you give me your e-mail, I'll send you an invite to our (much lamer than your) blog which is a private one...
Hope to hear from you,