You Could Easily Skip It

I love it when I can get a deal. A little while ago I went to Gapkids and got Christian some clothes for school as well as a few things for Eliana for the fall. I also bought some things for Christian for next year because they were on sale, marked down an extra 40%, and I had a 25% off-your-entire-purchase coupon. I got long pants for him to wear to church next year for around $8.00. I think I got one swimsuit for around $3.00. They had a two-fer deal on their uniform clothes and I was able to use my coupon on top of that as well.
Well, today I went back to Gapkids because I bought Eliana a couple of pairs of pants that are a little wacky as far as the pattern goes, and I was hoping to find a top to go with them...the tops had not been on sale that previous trip. And these pants actually made her gasp when I held them up off of the rack, so they were a must, you see. I was happy to find several of the matching shirts on the sale rack today, and they also had a buy-one-get-one-free deal on all t-shirts in the whole store. Including men's and women's. I happened to see a bunch of women's t-shirts that were on sale and got one pretty, dark turqoise color and a brown one for me, as well as several (four, in fact) t-shirts that would mix-and-match with Eliana's pants, and a little pair of white leggings that Eliana can wear next spring. I had a 25% off coupon for men's and women's clothing, and the folks who worked in the store were kind enough to apply it to my entire purchase. So, I got four t-shirts for Eliana, a pair of leggings for her, and two t's for me for a little less than $23! That included the tax! I was pretty pleased. Before all of the deals and the coupons just two of her t-shirts would have been $20. I had a selfish moment in the middle of all this, because today was also the last day that you could get a pair of jeans for $20 off, and they would have applied the coupon to that deal as well, which they don't always do. You usually have to pick one deal or the computer will only allow one deal or whatever. So I tried some on, and didn't come up with anything that I loved or that fit PERFECTLY so I didn't get the jeans. They still would have been about $35-I thought if they were less than $28 it might have been worth it, because I do live in my jeans, even when it's 98o and everyone else is out in bathing suit tops and short shorts. I don't know what to say, I just love 'em.
On a note that has nothing at all to do with the above, I was driving along today and the car in front of me had a bumper sticker on it. That in and of itself is not so newsworthy. What I thought was funny is that it said "The Pat McGee Band". Pat McGee was a student at my college at the same time I was there, and his band played a lot locally, and probably regionally. This was in Central Virginia. Now I live in Dallas and there is this bumper sticker in front of me conjuring up all sorts of memories and nostalgia. I never knew Pat; I did hear his band play several times while in school. And none of this really means anything except I thought it was kind of odd to see that sticker so many states removed from the land of my nativity and collegiality.
I think it made me miss home. And these folks...
(the grown-ups in the picture, the little people are still here with me...)
I'm sure Christian misses them, too, because he got to stay home with Grandpa during all of the shopping expeditions; he did not have that luxury today.
In keeping with the above transition from one thing to a totally unrelated thing, we are all trying to adjust to the school schedule, getting up much earlier than we had gotten accustomed to. Christian has done very well, had a good attitude in the morning, and been cooperative about doing his homework this week. I am very grateful for that, because who has homework the second day of first grade? He has had fun doing it, and taken pride in his work. Whew.
I suppose I need to learn from his example...I have some work to do myself cleaning the kitchen up, getting his things ready for tomorrow, tidying up the living room. And shouldn't I take pride in these things, too? Alrighty then, off I go. I'm sorry I have no great big ideas or words of wisdom to impart, or a funny story to share. Just randomness. Doodlee-do. Ha, that reminds me of Jack Black and Kate Winslet in The Holiday singing their little made-up duet. Cute.
I told you. Random.
Lovely evening, you all. Or morning, whatever the case may be.

Reader Comments (5)
Just in case you hadn't seen it...Old Navy women's jeans are still on sale for $19. Don't buy Eliana too much, I need to send you a box of hand-me-downs. :)
The Gap sale rack is my favorite.
I think I missed the story on why C goes to school but M is homeschooled. Why?
Wow, great sale!
Oh, it doesn't get much better than clothes on sale AND a 25% off coupon. LOVE it!!! (And I'm still in my quest for the holy grail of jeans, so I may have to go check out the Gap this weekend).
I love your new banner!!