One House, Three Moms, Nine Kids

A lot of fun. A lot of mess. A lot of memories.
First there was this...
very quickly followed by this...
They didn't hesitate-it wasn't like they hadn't seen each other in a year...more like yesterday.
A rose among the thorns (or th'orneries)...
Our time together was more than just fun and games. There was some Education going on here, people. When these three moms are together the conversation is highly intellectual, unyieldingly academic, and extemely stimulating. Right, ladies? Oh, they're too humble, they won't admit it. Especially on the internet.
While our friends were staying with us we studied the Fine Arts. There were very talented and lovely actresses and no shortage of shows.
There was always an eager audience awaiting the performance in the theatre...I think the boys are discussing the motif of "Women and their accessories...what does it mean in the 21st century?".
We also dabbled in some Engineering, Architecture, and Construction here in our entryway. This area is a multi-purpose place. The kids LOVE to play work here.
Great minds think alike, even though they be the little ones are examining Physics; I'm pretty sure this led to a philosophical discussion on transparency in relationships and how technology is affecting how we relate to and connect with one another. I love how they are inter-disciplinary.
Now, along with the Arts, Sciences, and Math, we also encouraged Geography and Culture exploration. Here is the Asian Palace (Is he practicing some Martial Arts here, as well?)...
The Asian Palace after invasion, or conquering, or an attack, or something...
There were Athletics, like wrestling, in which the boys knocked one another's teeth out (it was really loose)...
and of course the dining hall was open (all the time)...
Sometimes they separated into the boys and the girls, and sometimes they did things all together...
but no matter what they did, at the end of the day they would finally go to sleep and leave us to talk or watch a movie, and eat brownies and ice cream!
Aren't they sweet when they're like this?
I think they had just gone to sleep, and it was 12:20. What can we say? They take after their mothers.
Reader Comments (1)
I adore you Christina - this was fabulous! And yes, the conversation was stimulating! Love you, love your kids, love our time together! Thanks for sharing about it in such a funny way!