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I wanted to say regarding the previous posts that the thoughts I shared were largely influenced by what I read in Tim Keller's book.  Not much original material, as far as talking about the parable Jesus told so long ago.  I'm grateful that I don't have to come up with original material in the Bible study arena...I'm content to learn from the greats who have gone/go before me!

I'd love to hear what others are reading.  I asked this before and got a small number of answers.  I have a couple of things here that I would like to tackle, some old books that I never read when I was younger.  Michaela chose a bunch of books at the library today that are easy reads for her, but she likes them.  So I took A Wrinkle in Time and tossed it on top of her pile; I thought we could read it together.  Can you believe I've never read that?!  It doesn't seem possible to me.  But there's time, I'm still young. 

Hey!  Thirty-five is young!  Just ignore those gray hairs.  (Seriously, they used to be only just above my ears, and you could only see them when my hair was up in a ponytail.  Now, they are everywhere, on top, underneath, around the back; they are also striped, wiry, or straight.  I never know what to expect when I look in the mirror!)

Reader Comments (9)

I'm reading a kids book right now myself. It's called The World of Christopher Columbus, by Genevieve Foster. I meant to have finished it this summer, but I got sidetracked by my photography... Anyway, it's a great overview of what we studied in our Medieval year. I like it so much better than books written for adults. I also read her World of Julius Caesar when we studied Ancients. I think it's targeted at 14 year olds, so apparently that is my niche. :)

I'm also reading a camera handbook and a book about tea. You combine those three things and I am officially A Nerd. Aren't you glad you asked?

September 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChandra

Chandra, I love nerds! I am one, after all.
I also love reading books written for kids-stories, biographies, the history books that Susan Wise Bauer has written. I, too, find myself quite at home reading at that level. I just like that people can explain things in a way that is clear and uncomplicated. Maybe when I'm grown-up I'll be able to move on to more mature things.
You reminded me that I have a photography book to read as well...Mike got it for me last Christmas.
One more thing...ironically, I think that books written for children (well-done ones, at least) are just better written than the bestsellers for adults. I read one several years ago and it was such a waste of my time. A third grader could have written a better novel. That's my two cents. Ha.

September 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

i've been meaning to read the prodigal god for some time now and your posts have reminded me.. it's one of my husband's fav's.

and yes, i'm a fan of the princess bride.

September 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermissy

I absolutely adore Madeleine L'Engle. That whole series is fabulous. In fact, despite my failing memory, I actually have pretty good recollection of those. Another one I love reading with Reagan was The Princess Acadamy by Shannon Hale.

September 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

Nicholas and I just finished taking turns with Kenny and the Dragon by Tony DiTerlizzi. It is a sort of retelling of the classic The Reluctant Dragon. You would love the dragon in this story, he has an awesome vocabulary that you usually don't see in a kid's book. Because of that, Nicholas needed a little more guidance with this book than usual, but he loved the story.

I can't add anything to the discussion regarding grown-up books because I never seem to get past my Family Fun magazine.

I loved The Wrinkle in Time series when I was in 5th grade. I then read a bunch of her young adult series that I also loved.

September 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

I'm reading: "The Feminine Soul: Surprising ways the Bible speaks to women" by Janet Davis. Loving it! The chapters are short enough that I am reading it more like a devotional. Really good food for thought.

After that, I am planning to read "Things Seen and Unseen: A year lived in faith" by Nora Gallagher.

And if you haven't read "Same Kind of Different as Me" I would put that on your must read list!

September 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLori

I am almost finished with Breaking Dawn (the last in the Twilight series). When I finish it, I think I am switching to a Greg Iles book and then I think The Time Traveler's Wife which I want to read prior to seeing the movie. Actually, there was a book sale at the library today and they were selilng books 5 for $1. It was awesome. We stocked up on kids books and books for Michael (he likes Westerns) and me (medical thrillers are my faves).

September 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Oh boy, do I know about those gray hairs! 'Cept mine started right on top for all to see! But I'm determined to age gracefully and say I don't care! (While inside I contemplate hair dyes). :o)

September 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElle Bee

wow...seems like gray hairs and book reviews really make the comments come! I will keep that in mind for my blog.:) yes...i, too have some gray hairs already and i am not even thirty yet. how is this possible. this cannot be a good sign.
and i just finished an awesome book called walking with god by john elderedge. it is new and it is so so good. you can get it at barnes and noble. i learned so much.

September 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJ.R.

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