
I wanted to say regarding the previous posts that the thoughts I shared were largely influenced by what I read in Tim Keller's book. Not much original material, as far as talking about the parable Jesus told so long ago. I'm grateful that I don't have to come up with original material in the Bible study arena...I'm content to learn from the greats who have gone/go before me!
I'd love to hear what others are reading. I asked this before and got a small number of answers. I have a couple of things here that I would like to tackle, some old books that I never read when I was younger. Michaela chose a bunch of books at the library today that are easy reads for her, but she likes them. So I took A Wrinkle in Time and tossed it on top of her pile; I thought we could read it together. Can you believe I've never read that?! It doesn't seem possible to me. But there's time, I'm still young.
Hey! Thirty-five is young! Just ignore those gray hairs. (Seriously, they used to be only just above my ears, and you could only see them when my hair was up in a ponytail. Now, they are everywhere, on top, underneath, around the back; they are also striped, wiry, or straight. I never know what to expect when I look in the mirror!)

Reader Comments (9)
I'm reading a kids book right now myself. It's called The World of Christopher Columbus, by Genevieve Foster. I meant to have finished it this summer, but I got sidetracked by my photography... Anyway, it's a great overview of what we studied in our Medieval year. I like it so much better than books written for adults. I also read her World of Julius Caesar when we studied Ancients. I think it's targeted at 14 year olds, so apparently that is my niche. :)
I'm also reading a camera handbook and a book about tea. You combine those three things and I am officially A Nerd. Aren't you glad you asked?
Chandra, I love nerds! I am one, after all.
I also love reading books written for kids-stories, biographies, the history books that Susan Wise Bauer has written. I, too, find myself quite at home reading at that level. I just like that people can explain things in a way that is clear and uncomplicated. Maybe when I'm grown-up I'll be able to move on to more mature things.
You reminded me that I have a photography book to read as well...Mike got it for me last Christmas.
One more thing...ironically, I think that books written for children (well-done ones, at least) are just better written than the bestsellers for adults. I read one several years ago and it was such a waste of my time. A third grader could have written a better novel. That's my two cents. Ha.
i've been meaning to read the prodigal god for some time now and your posts have reminded me.. it's one of my husband's fav's.
and yes, i'm a fan of the princess bride.
I absolutely adore Madeleine L'Engle. That whole series is fabulous. In fact, despite my failing memory, I actually have pretty good recollection of those. Another one I love reading with Reagan was The Princess Acadamy by Shannon Hale.
Nicholas and I just finished taking turns with Kenny and the Dragon by Tony DiTerlizzi. It is a sort of retelling of the classic The Reluctant Dragon. You would love the dragon in this story, he has an awesome vocabulary that you usually don't see in a kid's book. Because of that, Nicholas needed a little more guidance with this book than usual, but he loved the story.
I can't add anything to the discussion regarding grown-up books because I never seem to get past my Family Fun magazine.
I loved The Wrinkle in Time series when I was in 5th grade. I then read a bunch of her young adult series that I also loved.
I'm reading: "The Feminine Soul: Surprising ways the Bible speaks to women" by Janet Davis. Loving it! The chapters are short enough that I am reading it more like a devotional. Really good food for thought.
After that, I am planning to read "Things Seen and Unseen: A year lived in faith" by Nora Gallagher.
And if you haven't read "Same Kind of Different as Me" I would put that on your must read list!
I am almost finished with Breaking Dawn (the last in the Twilight series). When I finish it, I think I am switching to a Greg Iles book and then I think The Time Traveler's Wife which I want to read prior to seeing the movie. Actually, there was a book sale at the library today and they were selilng books 5 for $1. It was awesome. We stocked up on kids books and books for Michael (he likes Westerns) and me (medical thrillers are my faves).
Oh boy, do I know about those gray hairs! 'Cept mine started right on top for all to see! But I'm determined to age gracefully and say I don't care! (While inside I contemplate hair dyes). :o)
wow...seems like gray hairs and book reviews really make the comments come! I will keep that in mind for my blog.:) yes...i, too have some gray hairs already and i am not even thirty yet. how is this possible. this cannot be a good sign.
and i just finished an awesome book called walking with god by john elderedge. it is new and it is so so good. you can get it at barnes and noble. i learned so much.