Sticky Situation

Stickers, they are everywhere-
In my laundry, in my hair,
Stuck on furniture and floors...
Why do children so adore
These sticky decorating gems?
Ah, but to inspire bad poems!
Mostly Grandma is to blame,
But, no, I cannot drag her name
Through the mud, for guilt lies here-
To honest truth I must adhere.
I, too, in fits of madness sure
Have purchased tens of thousands more
Of stickers, in all shapes and sizes
And so there should be no surprises
When I turn around and find
A sticker stuck on my behind.

Reader Comments (3)
That one is your best yet Christina. Are you also plagued with the stickers that come on fruit? I hate those guys.
Haha! You are clever! Love it. (And completely agree!)
Yeah. My poor dog, Reggie, hates them as well. I have a picture of him COVERED in blue circle stickers. Nana definitely feeds the girls sticker addiction.